On Saturday we were told by locals that a northwesterly swell caused by a storm near the Azores would make the shallow anchorage a dangerous place to stay with breaking waves within the bay. So all boats moved out to anchor in front of the bay in deeper water, where it was safer, but windseas from the Northeast and 3m swell from the Northwest made it a very uncomfortable weekend… The boat was rolling terribly and we were just waiting for the time to go by without being able to do much, trying not to get seasick. Unfortunately there is no better anchorage around Boa Vista and we couldn’t leave either, as our ship’s papers were held in the port office (closed on weekends of course). By now we have at least the papers back, situation has calmed down a bit and we’ll stay a few more days here on the island
Stefan Kastner says:
November 4, 2011 at 10:08 am (UTC 0)
Hallo Weltenbummler,
das “we feel like we could stay out of civilization’s path for a very long time” vom 21.10. klingt sehr wohltuend in meinen Ohren und ich freu mich für euch, dass die Reise einen so entspannten Verlauf nimmt (meist). Ich verfolg euren Blog mit Freuden und schmunzle über die Entscheidung euch einfach für eine wirklich lange Zeit raus zu nehmen – so was gutes aber auch
. Wünsche euch das Beste. Lieben Gruß Stefan
Christian says:
November 11, 2011 at 4:54 pm (UTC 0)
Hi Steve,
ja, wir werden uns ordentlich Zeit lassen und versuchen die verschiedenen Kulturen nicht nur zu streifen, sondern echt einzutauchen. Haben uns hier mit dem kapverdischen “No Stress”- Virus infiziert
Wie laufen die Dinge bei euch daheim? Schreib doch mal ein email an christian at pitufa.at