The winds are still very light, but the waves have calmed down and sailing almost feels like being in a calm anchorage. Under deck we don’t even feel the huge swell that comes up from the south, only in the cockpit you suddenly realize that the boat is gently lifted up to the first floor and then set down on the groundfloor again Last night we were dawdling along with 2 knots, but while most of the other boats in the fleet motored ahead, we didn’t bother turning the noisy engine on. As long as the sails aren’t flapping it’s really not necessary. This morning we then unpacked the gennacker (huge, light sail) that we hadn’t used since the Med. It was quite a hazzle sorting everything out, but then we were rewarded with 5 knots of boat speed in 6 knots of wind–not bad for our overloaded smurfette. This afternoon we caught another mackerel, so it’s going to be mackerel fillet with caramelised carrot, horseradish sauce and potatoes. Yes, life is good
Even more as dinner will be accompanied by a glass of sparkling wine (usually alcohol is taboo on passage) to celebrate that we’ll cross the equator in the evening!