The last 4 months have been quite rough on Pitufa and her crew. Hauling out twice to fix different problems on the shaft, replacing part of the rigg and installing a new antenna system for the SSB, changing the engine mounts, servicing the engine and dozens of other little jobs meant chaos on Pitufa, worries about the outcomes of the projects, flat feet from countless shopping runs to hardware stores and chandleries and a considerable strain on the budget.
Now Pitufa’s shiny and shipshape again and we’re ready to head out and start exploring new grounds again. We’ll do something we’ve never done before on this journey and head back east, which will require making miles against the prevailing trade winds. A gentleman never sails to windwards goes the old saying and we are not sporty enough to seek the challenge of bashing against headwinds stomping into the waves, so we’ll need lots of patience while waiting for weather windows to enable us to hop through the island chain of the Tuamotus during the next months.
Today we’re leaving towards our first atoll in the Tuamotus: Tahanea, we’re coming!