We weren’t too lucky when buying veggies and fruit on the market, despite our efforts to get the greenest available from all species we’re already under pressure eating ahead of decay We got more wind than predicted and Pitufa’s pounding close-hauled into high seas (30 knots in the beginning, now down to 20-25), but she’s storming ahead bravely, even though we overloaded her yet again with goodies from the huge supermarkets of Tahiti. We got carried more north than we wanted that way, first course towards Rangiroa, then Apataki, then Toaoa, then Fakarava–all of them winking seductively on the chart, but alas, the bananas are ripening and too much for the two of us with Leeloo refusing to eat any, so we’re trying our best to keep our course towards Tahanea, where friends are waiting for a fruit delivery
We saw a whale on the way out from Tahiti and we’re hoping to see some more as we’re now in the middle of the humpback season here. We’re also doing our best to catch some fish (not whales) to put on the BBQ on the beach in Tahanea!