Autumn’s gifting us with gorgeous weather here this year. Last year it was already cool and windy in April, but at the moment we’re enjoying perfectly calm, sunny and hot days. Just looking over the pastel shades of the lagoon in the early morning when the mountains are reflected in the sea like in a mirror with the corals gleaming through the crystal clear water, we feel almost obliged to seize the day. So we split the days between chores that need calm weather (cleaning the hull, climbing the mast to check the rigging, etc.) and fun like kayaking, snorkeling, hiking and hanging out ashore on Taravai. Taravai’s getting more and more attractions: an extended petting zoo and hiking trails! Additional to their two charming goaties, Pierre and Lolo now have two horses and Valerie and Herve have two kittens and two puppies It was always difficult to hike on Taravai, as we had to cut tunnels through the dense vegetation and make our own trails. If you try something like that yourself, always bring a machete with you and think of our memorising rhyme when planning the ascent: pine, your’re fine, reed, you bleed
Now it’s much easier, because Pierre has made a huge effort and has cleared a path along the old, overgrown road all the way from the village to the southern bay of Taravai. We walked it yesterday, it takes about 1 hour each way and features lovely views.