The last days we were busy with internet tasks. After almost two months without internet acces (except for emails via SSB radio) the list of tasks is long. The i-net access here in Hao is slow but we certainly won’t complain as it is free!!! I used this opportunity to fix some bugs on our web page. There were some issues concerning mobile friendliness, now… Continue reading »
PolyMagNet–SSB Radio Net in Polynesia
If you are cruising to, from, or around French Polynesia, you may be interested in checking in on the PolyMagNet. It’s an English-speaking SSB net where vessels underway can report their position and conditions, and boats at anchor pass on info about weather, anchoring, events, etc. in their area. It’s on air twice every day at 1800 UTC and 0400 UTC (8:00 AM and 6:00… Continue reading »