We’ve been in French Polynesia now for 8 years. It’s an amazing cruising area, but this year we felt ready to start a new chapter–a post-ship’s cat chapter with more sailing, more exploring, rougher anchorages, hotter summers (all things we didn’t want our elderly cat to suffer). Due to the Covid pandemic most countries in the Pacific remain closed, but Fiji is open for yachts… Continue reading »
Article on Cooking with Breadfruit in All-at-Sea Magazine
Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Exploring Breadfruit, All At Sea Caribbean, June 2021, p. 46–48. Download the whole magazine for free or read the online version of this article.
Book for young readers
We have just published another book on Amazon: an adventure novel with fantasy elements about a sailing family. For now it’s only in German though… Available at Amazon
Ten years!
Ten years ago we set out from Pula (Croatia). We didn’t know then whether we’d like this life, whether we’d be able to deal with all the challenges it poses. We were happy, but also quite anxious… On the one hand it feels like yesterday, on the other hand we have experienced and seen so much during those years that it seems like a lifetime…… Continue reading »
Bad examples ruin cruiser’s reputation
We always like to think that all cruisers are reasonable, environmental friendly, nice people. Well, they are not. Two days ago we moved to the airport anchorage and anchored in 3 m depth on the shelf where we can see the bottom, know that we are nicely settled in sand and only need 20 m of chain. Our next neighbour was far away, the French… Continue reading »
Bad neighbours
While Pitufa was anchored alone off Marina Taina, the French catamaran Noee swang into her and scratched her paintwork. When our friend Adrian (who did a great job taking care of Pitufa while we were gone–Adrian Pataki who runs Diesel Clinic in Taina, call him when you need someone to look after your boat!) confronted him, he just called him names. We also tried to… Continue reading »
Two Articles in Cruising World
We’ve just found out that two of our articles have been published in Cruising World’s April and May issues. Birgit Hackl: Living the good Life, Cruising World, May 2021, p. 16–18. Birgit Hackl: Lockdown in Paradise, Cruising World, April 2021, p. 58–61.
Back in Tahiti!
Travelling in times of Covid is complicated, requires lots of organisation, paperwork and gave us one adrenaline rush after the other… First we had to beg the Haute Commissariat to accept our reasons to travel (we only got the okay for the return flight when we were already in Austria–quite exciting…), then there’s a form for the folks from quarantine (non-vaccinated travellers need a special… Continue reading »
A new book about our ship’s cat
Going through pictures of Leeloo and all those happy memories I thought that Leeloo’s many fans around the world would probably like to see more about the unusual 21 years our beloved kitty accompanied us on our travels. “On velvet paws towards the horizon” will soon be available on Amazon–I’m working on it!