



Shopping in Luganville

“Hot town, summer in the city, back of my neck gettin’ dirty and gritty…” We wandered the dust roads of Luganville doing grocery shopping and running errands and everything we carry home from supermarkets and the veg market is sandy and gritty (including ourselves). Luganville is Vanuatu’s second biggest town, but it’s more like a long drawn-out village without any recognizable center. Most grocery shops are Chinese and the range is more limited than in Port Vila.
The hardware stores on the other hand were a pleasant surprise: Santo Hardware is located right in the center of town and is better stocked than the stores we browsed in Austria! Wilco is also located right in town, so it’s much more convenient to do hardware shopping here than in Port Vila, where the stores are far out of town, so we spent hours walking and on buses only to come back with empty hands ;-)
Smurfy excitedly welcomed every shopping bag we brought home, savoured the exotic smells and helped unpacking…

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