Evil Elon doesn’t just meddle with world politics in disgusting ways, he also cut off our internet at the most inconvenient time. (For those of you who aren’t using internet in remote places: Musk is the owner of Starlink (we gave in and bought the gear for satellite internet a few months ago) and as cruisers we move from country to country, some don’t have starlink licences yet, others don’t have cheap plans and it’s all rather complicated and annoying).
Just as we had arrived on a remote island without cell connection, our starlink app announced: “You have been out of your country for too long, please return to your country.” Sure, we’ll just quickly sail back to Fiji if Elon tells us to… To change the account and get connected to stinklink again, we would need access to the internet–which we don’t have as the bloody stinklink doesn’t let us connect in the first place. Fortunately we don’t depend on Elon for weather and communication, so we simply use our SSB modem and sailmail connection again and enjoy our time offline