Giant clams rarely get to grow to a size that merits this name. All across the Pacific we hardly ever saw specimen larger than a hand as they are considered too tasty to be left on the reef by locals (and cruisers). Here in PNG we see giants of a meter or more all over the place! Often they are considered a last food reserve for tough times (e.g. severe weather that doesn’t allow going out to fish) and are therefore left to grow. Seventh Day Adventists don’t eat them at all, which explains the large numbers and sizes around e.g. Musau island where only 7th day adventists live. Amazing creatures!
Christian demonstrating on this deceased clam why they are called “murderer clams” in German: they allegedly grabbed the arm or foot (or in this case bum) of a diver and wouldn’t let go until he drowned.
Just like on coral their vibrant colours are due to symbiotic algae and therefore they can bleach and die just like coral when the water gets too hot. Note the white, bleached parts on this one: