

Author's details

Name: Birgit
Date registered: September 22, 2010
Jabber / Google Talk: admin

Latest posts

  1. Sogar extra-resistente Korallen sterben bei 32°C — February 21, 2025
  2. Even heat-resilient coral dies in 32°C — February 21, 2025
  3. Fisch einkochen — February 17, 2025
  4. Canning fish — February 17, 2025
  5. Glaubt ihr an den Klimawandel? Steigendes Meeresniveau? — February 14, 2025

Most commented posts

  1. The Matuku Marine Reserve and how it came into being — 11 comments
  2. Donations for the Marine Reserve in Matuku — 10 comments
  3. Hilfsprojekte für Matuku — 7 comments
  4. Leeloo 2000–2021 — 6 comments
  5. Survived! — 6 comments

Author's posts listings


Advanced Elements Island Voyage two-seater Kayak

We brought a new kayak back to Pitufa from the US, but until now we didn’t have the opportunity to use it. Now, among the mushroom-shaped limestone islets of Yagasa we unpacked it, inflated it for the first time (quickly done), admired the bright-yellow, sleek vessel and took it out for a first round. The ancient kayak we used to have, had its own mind,… Continue reading »



Most outer reefs here in the Lau Group don’t give much protection and the anchorages are accordingly rolly, so we counted ourselves lucky yesterday to find a calm bay on Namuka. We were a bit disappointed about the lack of wildlife (no birds ashore, nothing to be seen in the water). At sunset the local wildlife got up: a cloud of mosquitoes descended on the… Continue reading »



Instead of blowing from the North (we would have tacked to the NE) and then shifting to the SE (we would have tacked east) the wind kept shifting between slightly north and south of east–never enough to help us with proper tacks. End the end we arrived in Namuka. Even though we’ve only sailed a short distance it took us one and a half days,… Continue reading »


Tacking and more tacking

The wind remains from the NE to E, so we keep tacking up and down… We had about 90 nm to go when we set out Wednesday morning, now we have 40


Up and down

Tacking in light fickle winds is annoying and Totoya is still in sight this afternoon, even though we left this morning… Distances are small in Fiji, so we’ll get somewhere, eventually. Hopefully


Destination unknown

After a rolly night anchored off Totoya, we’re heading out again into an uncertain weather window. We’ll see where the wind lets us to


Annoying forecasts

We set out this morning with a forecast predicting first SE winds for a few hours and then NE, so we thought we’d be sailing east with a tack. Well, an hour after we set out the wind already shifted NE with a squall, only to turn east later on. Hard to decide what to do, maybe we’ll just stop on the nearby island Totoya…


No reef no fish, no fish no reef

When corals die, we generally think of pollution and global warming as the culprits. But overfishing is also an important factor as weakened reefs need herbivore fish to clean the dead bits, so the coral can recover and regrow. The reefs in Fiji have mostly still beautiful coral, but overfishing is a big problem, especially near densely populated areas. Here in Matuku the people are… Continue reading »


Project weeks

Remember when I wrote that we’d be out and playing with the fishies? Well, the weather didn’t agree with that plan. Ever since we’ve arrived in Matuku it has been windy, cool and rainy in between. So we’ve done a work-program instead of the fun-program we had hoped for. Now there’s a new track for the pole on the mast, a new tap in the… Continue reading »


Returning to places

We’ve been in Fiji now for a while, but we haven’t visited too many places, we enjoy lingering and getting to know the people and see all sides of an island. It’s also great to return to a place: We already spent two weeks here in Matuku last July, so when we returned we were greeted by familiar faces like long-lost family, we brought some… Continue reading »


Passage Soup

Over the last three days a trough passed over Fiji. We briefly considered to set out with the front, but the NW wind prediction looked quite violent with lots of rain, so we decided to wait for the wind shift to W instead. It was a good decision: We set out yesterday afternoon, found the westerlies a few miles south of Suva–and they were still… Continue reading »


Interview on Life Radio

Our radio interview, that was delayed earlier, will be aired this week on Life Radio. On October 17 at 5.45 and 7.45 in the morning show!



The Fijians drink the ground up root of Kava like we drink beer, just as a social thing in the evening. Kava used to be highly ritualised and mainly for men, but nowadays it’s served casually among friends or family. We were anchored in Vaga Bay on the West side of Beqa Island, when our shore neighbour Albert (Pati) stopped by and invited us for… Continue reading »


Checking out cyclone holes

Warm weather, calm seas–summer in the South Pacific is the best time for cruising. Unfortunately it’s also the cyclone season, so most yachts are already leaving westwards, but we have decided to stay. Instead of leaving the boat in a cyclone pit or marina, we are checking out different, protected anchorages, so we’ll know where to run and hide when a cyclone is approaching. It’s… Continue reading »


Rubbish and pollution

When we were out on the little island Matuku, we asked what they did with their rubbish. The headman explained that they know that burning rubbish causes pollution, so they are filling up sinkholes instead. They would like to reduce their amount of rubbish by recycling, but don’t know how to achieve that. I therefore promised to look into options on Viti Levu, the main… Continue reading »

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