

Author's details

Name: Birgit
Date registered: September 22, 2010
Jabber / Google Talk: admin

Latest posts

  1. Sogar extra-resistente Korallen sterben bei 32°C — February 21, 2025
  2. Even heat-resilient coral dies in 32°C — February 21, 2025
  3. Fisch einkochen — February 17, 2025
  4. Canning fish — February 17, 2025
  5. Glaubt ihr an den Klimawandel? Steigendes Meeresniveau? — February 14, 2025

Most commented posts

  1. The Matuku Marine Reserve and how it came into being — 11 comments
  2. Donations for the Marine Reserve in Matuku — 10 comments
  3. Hilfsprojekte für Matuku — 7 comments
  4. Leeloo 2000–2021 — 6 comments
  5. Survived! — 6 comments

Author's posts listings


Revisiting places

It was great to come back to “our island” Matuku, see familiar faces everywhere and get a wonderfully warm welcome from our hosts Jiko and Penina and their daughters. We have met Ratu Niu, the chief of the main village, as well and had a long, interesting talk about environmental issues with him. Today we were invited for a spectacular Sunday lunch with shrimp and… Continue reading »


Spreading the word about sustainable fishing

Tiki is originally from Ono-i-Lau in the the Lau group, lives in Suva and gives her best to help her island with fund raisers and organising things for the islanders. When she heard about our project for sustainable fishing, she contacted us, so we met up yesterday for a chat, brought some of our newly made brochures for her to take to Ono-i-Lau and she… Continue reading »


Update on the Matuku Marine Reserve

The little Island of Matuku in the Lau Group is installing 3 big no-fishing zones around their island to guarantee sustainable fishing in the future. We have been trying to raise support for the project and a big thank you goes to all of you, who have donated for the project so far! This week we’ve been running around in Suva organising things and there’s… Continue reading »


New windlass

When our neighbours in the marina gave away their Muir Cheetah windlass for free (they replaced most gadgets on their newly bought boat) Christian couldn’t resist and grabbed it–after all the Cheetah is the bigger (and younger) sister of our beloved, but elderly Muir Cougar. An upgrade from 1000 W to 1200 W, a newer motor–great! It turned into a major undertaking as we had… Continue reading »


Musket Cove Regatta

The annual regatta event here in Fiji was taking place last week and we were in the middle of it taking photos! 3 races, lots of side events and fun evenings at the Musket Cove Resort Island Bar and Restaurant. As soon as I’ve sorted through all the pics I’ll post a gallery here on the blog



Most people hear squid and think “Calamari fritti”, but here in Fiji we meet squids when we go snorkeling and these fascinating, colour-changing, curious creatures are so much more than the rubbery rings that are served in restaurants. Quite often they hang out next to the boat, preferably near the anchor chain in line formations, constantly chatting with each other by complicated shifts in colour.… Continue reading »


Passive pollution

Remember the times when smoking was still allowed in restaurants and bars? You’d go in as a non-smoker for a quick drink, cough in the murky-looking air for a while and return home with red eyes, smelly hair and clothes. Those unlucky enough to work in such an environment often had negative effects on their health, so everyone agreed at some point that “passive smoking”… Continue reading »


Winter in Fiji

Fiji lies at 17° south, so it doesn’t get properly cold, but we (tropical islanders that we are) still call June to September winter, get out socks and hoodies and drink lots of tea (to warm up after an outside shower) and mulled wine for sundowners instead of cold beer. Especially while the southeasterly winds are blowing and bring cold air masses from the south… Continue reading »


Why tabu (no-fishing) areas at all and why should they be permanent?

Here’s a summary of the explanation we give islanders here in Fiji. English is a second language for most people here and many of the people who live out on the islands don’t have much formal education, so the info is a bit simplified, but it helps to illustrate the main points. Please feel free to download the pdf if you would like to use… Continue reading »


The Matuku Marine Reserve and how it came into being

Matuku was the first island in the Lau group we visited with our Pitufa in July 2022. The little island doesn’t see many yachts as it lies off the beaten track and we were amazed by the hospitality the villagers showed us and the wonderful underwater landscapes that we found just off our anchorage. During our second visit in Matuku we started raising awareness for… Continue reading »


Donations for the Marine Reserve in Matuku

Tony Philp of Vuda Marina and Coprashed Marina has gracefully offered to provide ground tackle and buoys to mark the borders of the Marine Reserve, thanks Tony! We still would need some funding to support the efforts of the islanders to protect their reef. They will need to patrol the area (especially at night) to make sure no outsiders ruin their Tabu with illegal spearfishing,… Continue reading »


Pics of our road trip around Viti Levu

The coastal road around Fiji’s main island is about 500 km long and features lots of pot holes and construction areas (to fight the “pot holing” as the signs say) and goes by villages that look like colourful little boxes along the road, endless sugar cane fields, barren hills and meditating, regurgitating cows.


Marine reserve in Matuku (Fiji)!

The islanders of Matuku have decided to protect 3 areas–the biggest of them is 4.5 km2(!) and includes mangroves, sandy shelves and a lively, beautiful reef just off the main pass! No spear-fishing or net-fishing will be allowed in this Tabu (traditional ban) and it’s planned to be permanent, so all species of reef fish will find a refuge to grow, multiply and guarantee sustainable… Continue reading »


Marina life in Vuda

We have successfully avoided marinas over the past 10 years–the last time we had to go in was in the Cape Verde Islands to have a shroud replaced. It’s not just a matter of saving money, we just don’t enjoy being in a berth: creaking lines, noisy neighbours with clanging and banging halyards, it’s hot, you can’t go swimming, the wind’s never from the bow… Continue reading »


No fish no reef, no reef no fish!

Scientific models predict an El Niño period for the next (southern) summer, meaning that we can expect rising ocean surface temperatures. The consequences here in the Pacific will be most likely more severe cyclones and bleached coral reefs (and many other types of catastrophes around the world). Coral can only recover from storm damages and bleaching when lots of herbivore fish keep the weak reef… Continue reading »

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