1/56: Takuu is a little atoll with just one inhabited island.
3/56: 400 people live crowded together in a densely built village.
4/56: Most of the 80 school kids came along on our village tour!
5/56: Houses and mats are woven from coconut and pandanus leaves.
6/56: Some islanders raise seabird chicks as pets.
8/56: Seawalls to fight the erosion that's gnawing on the islands...
9/56: Everybody came to see the performances on the children's day.
18/56: I gave a presenation about plastic pollution at school.
20/56: Christian tried to fix the dodgy solar array in the meantime.
22/56: We collected plastic trash in the village to raise awareness. Hopefully plastic will be burned in the future instead of throwing it into the sea...
23/56: We offered to share out internet connection and everybody came to Pitufa-Internet-Cafe to catch up with relatives on other islands!
26/56: We did a tour to the uninhabited motu just north of the village.
27/56: Densely forested islands with lots of birds!
29/56: "Queen Emma" (a Tongan princess who married European adventurers and made quite a fortune) bought one of the islands at some point--ruins remain from her house and plantation.
31/56: We tried to take Smurfy ashore for a walk.
32/56: But he just quickly wanted to go home again!!
35/56: The underwater world was fabulous!
51/56: We also visited the remote bird motu on the NW side of the atoll
56/56: It was difficult to say good-bye to beautiful Takuu and its lovely islanders! We left with lots of good-bye presents...