1/20: In light winds from the north, we used the opportunity to anchor on the southern side of little Yabu.
2/20: We were thrilled to see the seabird colonies, but alas, none to were around...
4/20: In the evening the redfooted boobies and frigate birds arrived!
5/20: More and more flocked in from all sides
6/20: By dusk the trees were covered in birds...
7/20: ...and we listened to the raucous choir squawking and quacking--greeting new arrivals and fending unwanted neighbours off ;-)
8/20: Typical for the summer weather when the convergence zone is close: thunderstorms in the evenings
9/20: The next day we put a shoreline to be even better protected from waves that were wrapping around the island.
15/20: We could watch the birds even better from our anchorage so close to the beach, but they didn't mind us at all.
16/20: The reef around Yabu is mainly healthy and quite lively with little fishies!
19/20: In January we saw shore temperatures over 30 degrees and the table coral and staghorn were already bleached.
20/20: Other parts were still healthy and as the coral close to shore must be used to such temperatures, we hope they are able to survive such temperatures.