

Sailing and home-office

We’re rushing along with an average speed of over 6 knots in winds between 15 and 20 knots from the ESE and still rather smooth seas, fantastic sailing!
Bread is on the stove, later on we’ll do a bit of laundry and then we’ll settle down in the home office. Christian is working on the new firmware for the Pitufino and I’m translating.
Last year in May we published our travel book “Richtung Horizont” in German. Now I’ve been working on the translation for a while and I should be able to finish it on the passage.
60 pages left to translate, 960 nm left to go!


Finally wind!

Finally the wind has set in! We’ve had a wonderfully starry night with Scorpio, the Southern Cross and Orion twinkling above us, before the half moon rose in an eerie orange glow. Now it’s a bit squally all around with winds shifting between SE and ESE and we’re running with 5 knots.
1090 nm to go!


Searching for wind

Ever since we started out the grib file (wind arrows for an area to give you predicted speed and direction) have been promising more wind in two days. We just never quite reach it, like a carrot dangling in front of our bow… Yesterday morning the grib showed a bubble without any wind ahead, so we decided to sail straight north in order to avoid it. The scheme worked, we avoided the dreaded calm, but it’s still very slow going (and not even in the right direction) doing about 3 knots in about 8-10 knots of SE wind…
1160 nm to go


Two poles

When we know we’ll go downwind with the wind shifting slightly, we put up two genoa poles, so we can flexibly adjust the course, swapping the headsail port and starboard. The poles are fixed with lines (foreguys and aftguys), so we can pull them back and forward and sail up to 100 degrees. When the wind moves forward of that, it’s no big job to lay a pole down and fly the genoa without it. On this trip we constantly have to adjust to the fickle winds. Yesterday was another very slow sailing day. We had a dipping bath from the stern ladder, all hatches open all day… It’s comfy but we’re still wishing for wind.
1200 nm to go!


All sails up

The winds are still light, but steadier. Yesterday we hoisted the gennaker again, once it was up we realised that we had forgotten to roll the genoa in. Much to our surprise the boat sailed well downwind with the main up to port, the blister to port and the genoa poled to starboard. We’ve never had that much canvas up before, but we were still not exactly fast in 8 knots of wind from the east ;-)
1280 nm to go!


Blistering between squalls

We waited patiently for a weather window with a stable high to ride steady southeasterlies on top of it–only to sail right into a convergence zone that was only mentioned in the forecast after we had set out. Well, we’re making the best of the light and fickle winds. Yesterday we put the gennaker (big lightwind sail) up in the morning, soon after black squally clouds moved in, so we were constantly ready to take it quickly down, but fortunately none of them hit us directly and we had the blister flying (and collapsing in too light winds and bumpy waves) all day while Christian nearly got a sun stroke trying to trim it… Today the situation looks very similar. 1370 to go!


Underway again!

Finally we have a stable enough looking weather window and we’re sailing towards Fiji! So far the wind is light, so we have only made 100 nm in the last 24 hours. We wouldn’t mind the slow progress, but the sails are banging quite badly in between and we hope for more wind. 1450 nm to go!


Cook Islands Cruising Info

Avatiu Harbour, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

Good news, the Cook Islands are opening up for cruisers again! As of current travel info May 1st, 2022, sailboats can visit, but the check-in is only possible in the main island Rarotonga so far. Check the official government page for updates and details http://www.mfem.gov.ck/customs/arrival-and-departure-information-for-marine-crafts. And here’s the link to a pdf with the full law text.

The form CICS 29: Advance Notice Of Arrival (DOC 74KB) must be sent at least 48 hours prior to arrival to customs.craft@cookislands.gov.ck using the file name format [ANA, name of craft, voyage or sail number if available, estimated time of arrival into the Cook Islands]

We visited the Cook Islands twice and explored from north to South for 3 months. Here is a short text document with the basic info and an article we had published in UK’s Sailing Today Magazine.


Galapagos sharks

I enjoyed hanging out with those cute and nosy sharkies so much that I decided to get one!


DIY: How to replace sprayhood windows

Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Replacing the windows on the dodger, All At Sea Caribbean, May 2022, p. 46–50. Download the whole magazine for free.


Lack of nature protection in French Poly

Reading and watching the news you’d think French Polynesia was a nature paradise. Almost each week the president, PEW and other organisations announce new protection zones in the Pacific around Fr Poly , rahui areas around islands (traditional bans) and anchoring bans for the nastiest polluters–us cruisers. Turtles have been protected for a long time, the same goes for sharkies.
Unfortunately that’s just theory: protected areas are not supervised (and they exclude “traditional fishing” a term which includes basically everything but international fleets), many rahui are opened too regularly to make a change and turtles and sharks are still killed in fish traps for consumption on the islands (where nobody cares about the protection when mayor and police officer hunt as well) or even exported to Tahiti with nobody checking the supply boats.
Snorkeling in the Societies, many parts of the Australs and even in the Tuamotus you find empty reefs with a few tiny fishies that scatter in panic when they see a diver. With no fish to eat the algae, the reefs that are weakened by pollution (from shore) and global warming (caused by all of us) are soon overgrown. But is that reported on the media? Not at all. Local fisherman assure us that there’s plenty of fish (maybe they’ve never seen a reef with plenty of fish…), fishermen go out day after day and catch the last specimen, tiny reef fish are for sale on the market and next to the road.

We keep sending pictures and reports to the DIREN (ministry for environment), PEW (American organisation) and Te mana o te moana (turtle protection centre in Moorea), so far to no avail. It might make a change if more people pestered them, so please take the time to write an email and send pics if you see something that needs to be reported. Maybe they’ll listen eventually.
direction@environnement.gov.pf, jpetit@pewtrusts.org, info@temanaotemoana.org


Making friends and enemies

Each morning we read the news and each morning we get upset about how we humans treat our planet. We can’t change those global issues, we can only try to make a small difference starting with ourselves. We tend to go one step further and address behaviour that we witness in our little world (e.g. anchoring in coral, disturbing bird colonies, treating remote places as a free all-you-can-eat buffet, disrespecting local customs, polluting, etc.). Doing so we have made some enemies. Well, we don’t really care as it we don’t want to be friends with people who disrespect mother nature anyway. We have also made friends with people who are well-meaning and acted just thoughtlessly ;-)
Just an example: Last month I had a doctor’s appointment and was horrified to see 5 guppies (little, very hardy fresh water fish) in a tiny vase displayed in the waiting room. Of course I couldn’t keep my big mouth shut and brought up the issue with the doc. She was flabbergasted, the fish had come with the office and she hadn’t given them much thought, so I explained the basic set-up of a fish tank. When I went back two weeks later, the guppies were swimming in an aquarium. A tiny victory, but a big deal for the guppies.
I think it DOES make sense to speak up for issues we care about. I hate it when people say that one person can’t make a change so they have an excuse to not even make an effort. If everybody tried just a little bit, there might still be hope.



After we had to interrupt our passage because of the broken track on the mast, the repair was rather quickly done, but we had missed our weather window. We need really stable weather for the 1.900 nautical miles to Fiji and it’s rare to find a weather window that actually lasts 2 weeks and goes all the way. Before Covid we could have stopped in the Cook Islands, Tonga and/or Samoa along the way, splitting the journey into shorter legs that are easier to plan, but unfortunately these countries have still not opened their borders for yachts. It seems absurd that borders are opening for tourists on planes, but remain closed for sailors who are much less at risk to bring a disease as we automatically spend several days (or weeks) in quarantine while underway to a new place.
We don’t want to risk getting trapped in an extended calm area as this would mean burning lots of diesel to motor out of it. The constant comparing of forecast models (“to leave or not to leave”‘s the daily question), keeping the boat (and provisioning lockers) in passage mode to be ready to head out spontaneously anytime is slightly getting on our nerves despite the best resolutions to be patient. We’re more than ready to sail west, into the sunset.


Read Online: Article in Cruising World “Know your Weather”

Christian Feldbauer, Birgit Hackl: KNOW YOUR WEATHER, Cruising World, April 2022. Read the online version of this article.


Damage underway

During a 30 knot squall the track for the genoa pole got ripped out of the mast–incredible with what extreme forces a sailboat has to deal, the big foresail is over 60 m2… No way we could manage the downwind trip without a genoa pole. We have to interrupt our trip for repairs.

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