The main bay of Rapa with its two villages is a windy place when it’s blowing from the east, in all other directions we don’t see steady winds, but strong gusts whirling down the mountains. This pictures shows Pitufa testing the new mooring in 45 knots… Local boats were still buzzing across the bay on that day, fishermen going out on the ocean–the people of Rapa are used to rough weather and considered this ‘blow’ a breezy summerday
Friendly community
Only about 400 people live on Rapa. There is no airport and the supply ship calls only once a month, so the people rely mainly on their own resources and skills. When something needs to be done or fixed, everyone helps out. This generosity is also extended to visiting strangers. So far sailboats are still welcome here, but I suppose a single negative experience might also change the atmosphere here. We just hope that sailors following in our wake will also be respectful of the traditions and won’t take advantage of the generosity the locals show visitors.
A new mooring for Rapa
Three years ago we built a mooring for sailboats with the municipality of Rapa, so visiting sailboats don’t have to anchor in the infamously difficult bay and will neither damage their gear not the beautiful staghorn coral. When we got back this year, we were happy to pick up our sturdy mooring and then we asked the mayor and community workers whether they wanted to do a second one. We brought out the two blocks with Pitufa and placed them on a 6 m spot in the bay, where it’s easy to check!!
Thanks a lot to…
…the commune of Rapa Iti for their approval and for donating the blocks and chain
…Alex (chief of the firefighters here in Rapa) for all the welding and bending and for spending all Saturday on the project
…our friends on SY Garulfo for their hard work and donated gear
…and last but not least to Pitufa for being such a sturdy and strong lady–she nonchalantly crossed the bay with the huge mooring blocks dangling from her bow.
The new mooring consists of two 750 kg blocks, 14 mm chain and 25 mm rope. It is located at S 27°36.700′ W 144°19.870′
All good in Rapa
We got a few concerned emails, because there was a Tsunami in the Pacific (after an eruption in Tonga) and a depression over French Polynesia (with seriously bad weather in the Northern Austral Islands and in Tahiti and the Societies). Neither of those affected us down here in our protected bay in Rapa Iti.
More Photos! We love the Tuamotu
We had hardly any internet access in the past few months, so those pics come a bit delayed…
Fishies, birds and smurfs--impressions of the Tuamotus
We spent 3 months in the Tuamotu archipelago, found some fabulous wildlife off the beaten track and explored atolls we had not been to before.
(47 photos)
Pics of our rough passage
Some impressions of our passage to Rapa Iti:
Rough passage to Rapa
Rapa, the southernmost island of French Polynesia, lies outside of the tropics and the weather's a bit rougher down there. To sail there from Raivavae we picked a window with NW winds in the beginning, then we knew we'd have to sail through a front with SE winds, before arriving with SW winds. The short trip of only 300 nautical miles took 4 days, because we had to tack into strong headwinds.
(10 photos)
What a ride
We never saw less than 20 knots from day 2 on, mostly 25 and always close-hauled… Now Rapa is ahead, just 30 nm to go! Pitufa was shaken and punched, taking off, slamming into waves, but she’s been doing really well. Only a window of our old sprayhood got punched in–resulting in some casualties in the garden before we could put some plastic and masking tape over the hole. We have quite some cleaning to do when we arrive.
Still blowing
According to the forecast the wind is supposed to turn SW soon. It’s still blowing hard and the seas are quite rough. 120 nm to go
Stormy night…
It’s blowing and we’re still tacking SW before going on a tack towards Rapa. Still 177 nm to go as the Christmas shearwater flies (not us, unfortunately)
Stormy night…
Yesterday we were sailing under starry skies with the big light-wind gennaker blown up high, today we’re bashing into 20-25 knots from the SE and steep, high waves. 180 nm to go as the storm petrel flies, but Rapa is almost upwind, so we’ll need a few more to go there…
Silent Night?
After a good first sailing day in fairly calm seas, the conditions will change today. A front and strong southeasterlies are ahead of us and Xmas eve is not going to be a silent one for us.
Leaving for Rapa
We met plenty of friendly people again in Raivavae, but the anti-cruiser campagne led by the protestant priest here made us somewhat uncomfortable (rumours, nasty facebook comments, fake news) so we decided to leave for Rapa, even though the weather forecast isn’t ideal. Hopefully it’ll turn out okay… 290 nm to go
Pitufino–the multi-talent
I still haven’t grown tired of developing my Pitufino nav gateway–rather the opposite, I have spent a lot of time in improving it and adding new features. A great portion of the work on version V1.4.0 dealt with the networking core: new chip manufacturer SDK, time-out issues, UDP unicast streams, UDP unicast probes as alternative for broadcast, ICMP to close such UDP streams, TCP server for direct NMEA2000 data, and a new, much faster web server. The Sailing Instruments web app has got night colors and the Multi Display web app has got several new display types. Here are a few screen shots from those running on my Samsung Android phone. For more info see the Pitufino page.
Our Nengonengo adventure in Latitudes&Attitudes
Our article was published in Bob Bitchin’s (gotta love that name) magazine!
Christian Feldbauer, Birgit Hackl: Nengonengo–Wilderness Reclaimed, Latitudes & Attitudes, Issue 37 Winter 2021-22, p. 136–143. Read online.