

More bad luck

I took the boat to a calmer anchorage on Saturday, thought I was doing a nice single-handed manoeuvre, but then the little rollbar behind the windlass that keeps the chain under control while it rushes out broke and all 70 m of chain rattled out high speed. Fortunately I was far away from the reef, but still not happy and feeling quite ill on top. Shortly after the harbour masters boat came by to shy me away–apparently this anchorage is now off limits…
After some arguing they let me stay, then friends came by and helped with the windlass repair, so all fine again.

This morning Christian and my Mom finally arrived, tired after 50 hours of journey and without their 4 suitcases–the luggage had been lost somewhere along the way.

Now we’re anchored off the airport in nice turquoise water, watching planes coming and going. Hopefully one of them will bring the missing luggage soon ;-)


Bad luck

After 3 weeks alone here in Taina, Christian and my Mom were scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. Now I’ve just got an email that their flight from Vienna was cancelled, they were rebooked for the following day…

Here it’s grey and rainy after a 2 months of stable, sunny weather and a 3 m swell is forecast to arrive this evening. I’ve fallen victim to the constant air-conditioning-attack in Tahiti and feel feverish with a sore throat…



Since Christian flew to Austria last week, it’s just us 3 girls here (counting Leeloo and of course Pitufa). Life in Taina has been productive and quiet so far, but last night a 3m southwesterly swell arrived around midnight and made an end to our calm lifestyle. The reef that protects the anchorage isn’t very wide and swell turns the lagoon into a chaotic witches’ cauldron. At 3 in the morning Leeloo and I moved into our seaberth, now we’re still bouncing like a cork doing whitewater rafting.

I have to write this blog with one hand, because the cat insists that I stabilise and pet her with the other hand. Whenever I stop I get a taunting meeow. She obviously blames me for not turning off the stupid pitching, rolling and corkscrewing. I considered moving to a better anchorage, but doing single-handed manoeuvres in crowded anchorages is too much of a hassle and the swell is already supposed to go down in the evening.


Exchange of roles

Christian’s finger still looks a bit like Frankenstein’s monster, but it’s healing. The stitches will come out on Monday…

Today we wanted to fill up with diesel, but as Christian can’t really use his right hand at the moment we couldn’t follow our usual routine with me at the wheel and Christian at the bow. Instead he was at the helm and I had to get up the anchor chain (a messy business on Pitufa as it doesn’t fall straight into the locker, but has to be transported hand over hand from the windlass and into the locker behind). It’s good to switch roles from time to time anyway to be familiar with all jobs on the boat, so we saw that manoeuvre as valuable practice.

At the fuel dock we were told that they were out of diesel(!), so we anchored a bit further down from Marina Taina in the channel where we should be better protected from the SW swell that will turn the anchorage off Marina Taina into a witches cauldron (from tonight on until Friday evening).


Article “Are you an innocent bystander?” in All-at-Sea July 19 Issue

Originally titled “Behind the scenes”, this article discusses whether cruisers who travel slowly and stay long in places and so can glimpse behind the scenes, should remain observers or try to get involved.

Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Are you an innocent bystander?, All At Sea Caribbean, July 2019, p. 56–62. Free download from allatsea.net.


Article on Anchoring Techniques in Austrian Yachtrevue

Christian Feldbauer, Birgit Hackl: Ankern–Vertrauen und Kotrolle, Yachtrevue, August 2019, p.62–66.


Pearl jewellery designs

On rainy days I get out my workshop and create necklaces, bracelets, anklets, etc. with pearls from the Gambier Islands. Each design is unique, I work with cords made of leather, rubber and stainless steel. The so-called ‘black’ pearls are actually shining in all colours of the rainbow and I love playing with them ;-)

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Photos of Raroia

Raroia, Tuamotus

In May 2019 we visited Raroia for the first time and found an unexpected nature paradise with larger bird colonies than anywhere else in the Tuamotus and a lagoon teeming with curious sharks. If you visit Raroia, be careful not to disturb the ground breeding birds. A masked booby chick dies within 15 minutes when the parents are shied away!

(59 photos)


Disappointing medical emergency service in Tahiti

We arrived last week in Tahiti and started working on a packed schedule: catching up with a workload that requires internet, then we had a rental car for a day to get our yearly gigantic provisioning done and right in the middle of all that rushing around Christian had an accident–not out in the big city, but at home…

Our swimming ladder folds up and we’ve always pointed out to visitors that they should never, ever get their fingers between the fixed bit and the folding tube that swings down. We’ve used it for 10 years without an incident, but on Thursday Christian somehow got his index finger into the gap and the tip was pinched off.

He got out of the water with the severed tip, friends brought ice, we tried to stop the bleeding, called a taxi and rushed off to the ER of the big hospital in town (Taaone Hospital).
After 3 hours of waiting we were sent home again–the finger needed surgery and all ER surgeons were busy with more serious injuries.

We were told to come back the next day, Christian was prepared for surgery in the morning, had to wait all day and then we were again sent home with the same argument: no surgeon available.

On Saturday(!) the finger was finally fixed, they had to round off the cracked bone of the tip, pull up the skin and sew it over the tip. Ouch. Last night wasn’t fun despite lots of painkillers, but today Christian’s already feeling a bit better.

Up to now we were praising the medical services in Tahiti where specialists are readily available who work with European standards, but lower prices and without long waiting times.
This time we got really disappointed…


Photos of Nengonengo


In May 2019 we made it through the narrow, uncharted pass into Nengonengo, only to be told it was private and off limits. We were allowed to stay during heavy weather and then got permission to visit the bird islands around the atoll. The local pearl farm was abandoned 20 years ago, since then the atoll has become a haven for wildllife.

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Lagoon Tide Simulator

I’ve just uploaded a website that contains an interactive lagoon tide simulator. It lets you play with different parameters like swell height or how open/closed the lagoon is and instantly draws a graph with the tides and shows when the current in a pass is in or outgoing. Experimenting with this simulator may help understanding lagoon passes better. Just follow this link.


Almost there

We’re not big fans of sailing, but this time we really can’t complain. No squalls, no calm weather, just steady, fast sailing. Just 20 nm to go!


Fast sailing

We are eating up the miles in very pleasant conditions. Just 195 nm to go!


Leaving the Tuamotus

We spent the last two days on the Southern side of Tahanea, checking out the bird motus there and counting nesting couples as we always do. There seem to be less every year, too many visiting locals (from Faaite) and cruisers drive them away…

It’s always hard to leave the Tuamotus and head towards the hustle and bustle of Tahiti, but we have to make some orders, organise some repairs, do tons of shopping and Papeete’s just a very convenient place for all that.
We’re just sailing towards the pass of Tahanea and then we’ll head downwind to Tahiti. 300 nm to go!


Sharks and rays

We’ve just had a perfect week here in Tahanea with sunny skies and mellow conditions. We snorkeled the pass a few times and had close encounters with manta rays that were feeding in the current. Back home we were greeted by our gang of blacktip reef sharks, who hang out around boats hoping for scraps. Whenever we caught a fish the shark feeding from the stern of the boat was quite a spectacle. Fortunately they calm down quickly after such a feeding frenzy and we could hop in and swim with them again. They are only between 1 m and 1.5 m, so humans are clearly not on their menu list :-)

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