After a perfect sailing day yesterday we had a squally night and didn’t get much sleep. 197 nm to go!
[geo_mashup_save_location lat=- lng=- geocoding_error="Address not found - try making it less detailed"]
Last night we sailed into a dark bank of clouds that brought quite some rain, but fortunately also wind from the right direction. This morning we sailed out on the other side into blue skies, but the wind kept blowing and we’re making good progress!
Cooling off in the Pacific
[geo_mashup_save_location lat=-10.507 lng=-157,718 geocoding_error="Address not found - try making it less detailed"]
This passage is starting slowly, but pleasantly. There’s just a light breeze, but the sea’s so calm that Pitufa is still moving along with an average of 4 knots. We have all hatches open (incredibe on an ocean voyage) and this afternoon we even had a bath–hanging on to the swimming ladder even 3 knots feel incredibly fast
The forecast is constantly changing, this morning’s grib didn’t look great, but we’re hoping for the best and trying not to get impatient in the light winds with the miles slowly ticking down.
After exactly one month we’re leaving Tongareva this afternoon. During all that time we were the only sailboat here. We’ve had a great time here, but we’d like to explore more of the Cook Islands. On arrival we got 31 days in the Cooks, apparently our application for another 31 days got approved (we’ll see when we arrive in the capital), the weather forecast looks good and we’re ready to go. 610 nm to Aitutaki!
Autopilot repaired!
When we’re sailing on passages we always use our hydrovane to steer the boat. ‘Wayne Vaney’ is a simple mechanical device that steers the boat with a little auxiliary rudder just by keeping the wind angle on its vane in the angle we set.
We also have an electric autopilot, which we only use when we’re motoring, so only sometimes in lagoons and when we’re becalmed for a longer time on passages. This autopilot quit on the way up to Tongareva. Christian found out that the steering mechanism was fine, only the control unit had a loose contact, but as the whole box is moulded he couldn’t just repair the button that was suddenly randomly switching between modes. Searching the internet we found that the control unit is no longer produced…
Christian found a solution for our dilemma. We don’t use any of the fancy functions the control unit offers (sailing according to wind angle, etc.), we just want the autopilot to hold a given compass bearing. He therefore replaced the unit with an on/off button and we can still correct the course with the remote control (also self-built) in the cockpit. Today we tried it out while crossing the lagoon and voila–we have a working autopilot again
Last week a strong Southeasterly wind (maramu) was blowing all over French Polynesia and the Cook Islands, so we decided to sit it out in the Eastern corner of the atoll. The anchorage was nicely protected and we could still take some walks ashore, but mainly we stayed home and spent the time on the computer. We finished a few articles, prepared a photo gallery, etc. and now that we’re back in Tetautua village we can use the internet to send everything off.
Christian did a 2-day internet marathon trying to get everything done with the slow connection, but now it seems that all our articles and pics have made it out. The maramu did us a favour by keeping us away from the village where a flu epidemic is going round–thanks to the people who arrived from Rarotonga and brought the virus with them.
We are getting restless and have been looking at weatherforecasts for windows to sail south. First the strong southeasterly made a departure impossible, yesterday’s grib files showed yet another maramu for next week, today’s forecast threatens with clocking winds next week. Both options would ruin our plans to stay on the outer reefs of Aitutaki and/or Atiu… We’ll get Pitufa into passage mode anyway and hope to be off soon!
New photo gallery: Tongareva (Penrhyn)
Tongareva (Penrhyn), Cook Islands
In August 2018 we spent 4 weeks in the northernmost atoll of the Cook Islands and were surprised to find a nature paradise despite two villages.
(48 photos)
The supply situation on remote islands is tricky. In the days before supply ships the Polynesians managed to live off the land, but nowadays everybody depends on imported goods. The supply ship from Rarotonga comes by every 2 or 3 months, another ships brings ordered things from Hawaii about twice a year.
You’d think that people would try to be as self-sufficient as possible under such conditions, but apart from a few scrawny banana, papaya and breadfruit trees we haven’t seen many examples for gardening. Chickens roam the island, but instead of building chicken houses and collecting eggs, the locals wait for imported eggs from Rarotonga or take eggs from the seabird colonies.
We are used to depending on our own supplies in remote areas, so we’re still eating as well as usual. The fresh produce we bought 5 weeks ago in Raiatea is coming to an end (just a few carrots and christophines are left), but before leaving Raiatea we extended our herb garden (basil, mint, coriander, parsley, chives, etc.) with a few pots of bok choy (chinese cabbage) and arrugula plants. Both are doing fabulously and we can daily harvest fresh greens.
Beverage-wise we’re also doing fine, with a watermaker that keeps the tanks filled and the second batch of homebrew-beer (from ready-made kits) bubbling along happily
The main village Omoka lies on the western side of the atoll, so the anchorage is exposed to the prevailing easterly winds. When we visited Omoka last week Pitufa was pitching horribly in steep high waves and we hardly got any sleep. We therefore fled the next morning to a more protected place. Now we’re anchored on a beautiful, light-turquoise sandy shelf in just 3 m depth right next to the Northern motu. It’s not far to the NW-pass, so we snorkeled there yesterday. We didn’t find much coral in that pass, but again huge swarms of fish and 10 curious black-tip reef sharks circled us all the time–apparently they are used to spearfishing divers and were waiting for scraps. Of course they were disappointed that we only shoot fish with our underwater camera…
The motu itself is also quite special with a fringe of palm trees on the lagoon side, but shrubs and trees with nesting seabirds right behind it and a stunningly red salt lake in the middle.
Polynesian Hospitality
On the 4th of August the Cook Islands celebrate their Consitution day followed by a week of cultural festivals. Every 2 to 3 years the government provides free transport by ship to all people from outer islands to Rarotonga (the capital) to participate in the celebrations.
Today 130 people from Tongareva returned after more than a month down in Rarotonga. After some fabulous day in the southern corner of the atoll with crystal clear water, nice snorkeling and more birdwatching we sailed across the lagoon this morning (dodging bommies all the way…) to the main village Omoka just in time to see the barges with the people come in–there were tearful reuinions, lots of flower bouquets and of course lots of goods from Rarotonga the villagers brought with them. While watching the hubbub on the dock we were invited to join the reception later, so we walked to the meeting where choirs and a huge buffet with traditional food (most interesting, some unfortunately protected) welcomed the homecomers.
We started talking to the former mayor who proved to be an interesting source of information and promptly invited us to his home in the evening. Searching for his house we walked through a few backyards asking for directions and were invited each time to stay and sit down for a chat. We have become used to Polynesian hospitality in remote places, but Tongareva surpasses all previous experiences. Of course the fact that English is an official language here (next to Cook Islands Maori) makes things much easier for us…
Nature paradise Penrhyn
By now we’ve established our usual routine for remote places: a nice balance between work and play… For the past few days we’ve spent the mornings restitching and reinforcing our dinghy cover and in the afternoons we explored the motus on the eastern side.
Yesterday we took Pitufa a few miles further south through the lagoon. While the central lagoon is deep (50m) with plenty, but clearly visible bommies, the area along the eastern shore is rather shallow, the water’s a bit murky and so full of bommies that we had to go very slowly and zigzag our way in–not the usual joyful lagoon sailing we enjoy, but slow motoring… Finding an anchoring spot between the shallow coral heads also wasn’t easy, but it turned out again, that the old ‘no risk, no fun’ saying is true: the motus down here are stunningly beautiful with long white and pink sand banks, wooded motus (a natural mix of shrubs, palmtrees, pandanus, pisonia trees) and thousands of red-tailed tropic birds!
It’s hard to walk around, because a nesting tropic bird sits under every second bush and noddy nests with chicks in all sizes are built in the branches above. Finding so much nature here is a very pleasant suprise!!
On the weekend we visited the little village Tetautua and attended the church there. The Cook’s are famous for their choirs, but at the moment there are only 15 villagers here. What they lacked in numbers, they made up in volume
Now we’re anchored a few miles further south, where we’ve already found bird motus with lots of nesting Tropic Birds and Noddies. These colonies are also quite loud and dissonant
Unspoiled nature
Nature paradise
In August 2018 we spent a few magical days off the beaten track on this uninhabited atoll.
(72 photos)
We’ve started to get our bearings here in Tongareva. It’s a big atoll (11 miles long, 6 miles wide) with three passes into a deep lagoon with many coral heads, but no islands within the lagoon. It has quite some land with motus stretching along the northern, eastern and western sides of the atoll, but only 2 settlements. The main village Omoka lies on the western side next to the main pass and the smaller village Tetautua on the opposite side of the lagoon (according to our elderly lonely planet with a population of 400 in one village and 100 in the other–according to locals it’s more like 200 and 60 people). One supply ship from Rarotonga calls every 2 or 3 months another one from Hawaii visits the island twice a year, but they have an airport with 1 flight per week.
During our chat with the officials we mentioned as usually that we are interested in nature and much to our suprise we were referred to a scientist who lives and works here. We met him the next day and it was interesting talking to a scientist whose main focus are studies on climate change, reefs and turtle protection, but he also works with the teachers to arrange science workshops at the local school and to involve the locals (and especially kids) in projects to protect turtles and reforest the motus that are endangered by erosion and to provide shade for turtle nests. Ironically Penrhyn is one of the atolls most affected by climate change while the locals have hardly any carbon footprint…
We were suprised at his success in influencing the locals towards more awareness of environmental issues, but it turns out that there were several favourable starting conditions:
The locals here have stopped doing copra already in the 70s, because it was no longer lucrative, therefore they hardly ever visit the remoter motus and don’t ‘clean’ motus by burning endemic shrubs. Seabirds and turtles find undisturbed areas and endemic shrubs they need.
The local community has established a ‘rahui’ (like in Rapa Iti, remember?) which means that several species of clams, etc. are protected all year round and can only be hunted/collected on special days.
We motored over to the eastern side of the atoll yesterday and are eager to explore Tongareva above and under the water.
Arrived in Tongareva
We arrived at the W-pass of Tongareva (Cook Islands, also known as Penrhyn) at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, went in without a prob with 1.5 knots of ingoing current against 12 knots of wind and some small standing waves in the very short pass. We anchored off the main village Omoka, the officials came by an hour later and cleared us in quickly. Now we’re free to explore Tongareva!