

Our new book: Cruising Know-How

Over the years we have written tons of articles about sailing, DIY, life-style topics, etc. for different magazines. Now I have put 54 of them together in a book, basically a “best of Pitufa” ;-)
It’s simply called “Cruising Know-How” and it’s available on Amazon as a black-and-white paperback and in colour as an e-book, paperback and even hard-cover! Prices range from 9,90 USD to 40 USD for the hard-cover, but rest assured, I only get 5 bucks each, no matter which one you buy ;-)


Article in the Ahoy magazine

If you’ve participated in the Musket Cove Regatta this year, check out our article in this month’s Ahoy magazine on the Downunder Rally page! You might be on the pics ;-)


Exchanging gifts

In Fiji it’s traditional to bring a gift when you visit another island/village, not just for foreigners, but also for locals. You present this sevusevu (usually a bundle of kava) and the chief speaks a prayer and welcomes you as a member of the village. In the traditional islands of the Lau group you then get a host family and it’s a very nice cultural insight to spend time with them, do lunch together, go for walks, etc. Our host families have always been very generous with us and willing to share the little they have (veg, fruit, etc.) and of course we want to give presents back in return.

When we were here in Fulaga last year, our host Maika asked us to mend their kayak, but the PVC was broken beyond repair. When we got back to the mainland we started looking for used kayaks and last September we bought one from other cruisers–inflatable, so not quite ideal, but at least a means of transport!


Holidays in wonderland

The weather is still rather cool, but we’re using the sunny days here in Fulaga to go snorkeling in the fabulous pass and explore the wonderland of mushrooms islands by kayak. After an extended time of health issues and work projects it’s good to be out and about again… Fulaga is a raised atoll, so what used to be the outer reef and coral heads inside the lagoon is now sticking out as sharp-edged lime stone islands. An almost surreal view in combination with the light-turquoise waters of the lagoon!


Trip to Fulaga

We still have lots of things to organise and to do in Matuku, but the material for the tabu buoys has not arrived yet, so we have time for a little trip to another, pretty island in the Lau group. We have left in the afternoon with perfect conditions to sail due east and should arrive tomorrow morning in Fulaga. 95 nm to go, southerly winds 15 knots, boat speed 6 knots.


Colder than usual

It has been blowing hard for weeks now with only short interruptions with a squash zone on top of a high above New Zealand bringing accelerated trade winds to the area of Fiji. We’re glad about the cold weather and don’t mind wearing socks and hoodies for a while longer, as the cool breeze keeps the temperature of the water down as well. The Eastern Pacific is already much warmer than usual (typical for El Nino) and the Humboldt Stream that usually brings cold, nutrient-rich waters to the area of Galapagos has collapsed with lethal consequences for the eco system there (and in many other parts of the world).
We hope that El Nino conditions will kick in late here and hopefully we won’t have to witness coral bleaching in Fiji. El Nino also brings a higher risk of cyclones, another big worry out here.


Revisiting places

It was great to come back to “our island” Matuku, see familiar faces everywhere and get a wonderfully warm welcome from our hosts Jiko and Penina and their daughters. We have met Ratu Niu, the chief of the main village, as well and had a long, interesting talk about environmental issues with him.
Today we were invited for a spectacular Sunday lunch with shrimp and land crab–Penina had sent out her girls to catch them yesterday and prepared them deliciously :-)


Sailing eastwards to the Lau

Finally we are underway to the Lau Islands again! The past few days have flown by in a flurry of boat projects, shopping, organising, meeting people, while keeping an eye on the ever-changing weather forecasts… What looked like a nice weather window with NE winds to sail SEwards turned into a nasty front, too short to actually reach our destination. We have postponed our departure for a day and are heading out close-hauled into rough conditions towards Matuku. 95 nm to go!


Spreading the word about sustainable fishing

Tiki is originally from Ono-i-Lau in the the Lau group, lives in Suva and gives her best to help her island with fund raisers and organising things for the islanders. When she heard about our project for sustainable fishing, she contacted us, so we met up yesterday for a chat, brought some of our newly made brochures for her to take to Ono-i-Lau and she donated some stationary for the school in Matuku! Vinaka vaka levu, Tiki!


Update on the Matuku Marine Reserve

The little Island of Matuku in the Lau Group is installing 3 big no-fishing zones around their island to guarantee sustainable fishing in the future. We have been trying to raise support for the project and a big thank you goes to all of you, who have donated for the project so far!

This week we’ve been running around in Suva organising things and there’s great progress. Thanks a lot to all those who have supported us here:

Vinaka to Tony Philp of the Tradewinds Marine Group (including the Yachtshop, Vuda Marina and Coprashed Marina) for sponsoring buoys and ground tackle as well as fuel barrels, so the islanders can mark the Tabu area and patrol it!

Vinaka to David Philp from the Fibreglass Shop for building these buoys!

Vinaka to Liti Mariravula for translating our info brochure about permanent no-fishing tabu zones!
Vinaka to Isabell Derenthal for designing those brochures!
Vinaka to Tiki Waqanivere for taking the brochures along and spreading the word about sustainable fishing in Ono-i-Lau!

And we would also like to thank the crews of SY Vesper, SY Dash, SY Sugarshack, and SY Marcato who are sending medical supplies, second-hand clothes, sunglasses, ropes, etc. along :-)


New windlass

When our neighbours in the marina gave away their Muir Cheetah windlass for free (they replaced most gadgets on their newly bought boat) Christian couldn’t resist and grabbed it–after all the Cheetah is the bigger (and younger) sister of our beloved, but elderly Muir Cougar. An upgrade from 1000 W to 1200 W, a newer motor–great!
It turned into a major undertaking as we had to order spare parts from Tasmania to refurbish the winch. Last week we started the exchange: we had to empty our forecabin (main storage area) and the forepeak (more storage) and sails, brewing equipment and spare parts were piled up in the salon. Of course we needed most of our tools (live in the lockers in the salon) and as it turned out that the deck beneath the wooden base plate was badly corroded, we needed the angle grinder (other locker) and then we had to primer and paint (yep, yet another locker) before mounting a new wooden plate and the refurbished new pet (pussy cat Cheetah). And all that in rainy Suva in between downpours and hectic canvas-tent building while the salon looked as if a bomb had exploded in the forecabin.
I’m still not allowed any lifting or pulling, so poor Christian slaved away on his own, half of the time stuck with his upper body in the forepeak while working/drilling/installing overhead. Anyway, now the job is done and the pussy cat is purring nicely…
Our cougar has found a new home here in Suva and will be installed on a power boat :-)


Sailing to Suva

Three days ago we finally had a weather window to start our trip eastwards again. We set out in a stiff breeze from the North with Pitufa rushing downwind in 25 to 30 knots, only to run out of wind once we had rounded the SW cape of Viti Levu with some motoring/motorsailing/drifting to reach the island of Beqa. The following day we used a light breeze from the S and let the gennaker pull us the 20 remaining nm to Suva! Thanks to SY Garulfo for the blister pic!


Musket Cove Regatta

The annual regatta event here in Fiji was taking place last week and we were in the middle of it taking photos! 3 races, lots of side events and fun evenings at the Musket Cove Resort Island Bar and Restaurant. As soon as I’ve sorted through all the pics I’ll post a gallery here on the blog :-)



Most people hear squid and think “Calamari fritti”, but here in Fiji we meet squids when we go snorkeling and these fascinating, colour-changing, curious creatures are so much more than the rubbery rings that are served in restaurants.
Quite often they hang out next to the boat, preferably near the anchor chain in line formations, constantly chatting with each other by complicated shifts in colour. Usually they scatter when we approach them snorkeling, but last week we met two that curiously approached us!
According to Wikipedia 3 million tons of squid are fished every year and imagining the number of these delicate creatures you need to reach such an incredible weight it seems clear that this kind of overharvesting cannot be kept up much longer–it is certainly not sustainable. Squids and cuttlefish are not listed as endangered species, but then we lack studies about what’s going on in the oceans… They are an important prey for predators including sharks, sea birds, seals and whales. As a keystone species low in the food chain we don’t know what impacts the uncontrolled human fishing has on those species that rely on squids for their nutrition.


Passive pollution

Remember the times when smoking was still allowed in restaurants and bars? You’d go in as a non-smoker for a quick drink, cough in the murky-looking air for a while and return home with red eyes, smelly hair and clothes. Those unlucky enough to work in such an environment often had negative effects on their health, so everyone agreed at some point that “passive smoking” was dangerous for the public and therefore laws were made to protect non-smokers.
To me it’s much the same when people don’t care about their carbon footprint, motor long distances in their boats instead of sailing, run the generator each day instead of installing solar panels and constantly jet around the globe–preferably in private jets and helicopters as we see each day here in Fiji when new guests arrive at high-end resorts. The general view seems to be that those lucky enough to be able to afford it, are entitled to live on a super-size carbon footprint. I don’t envy them their “luxuries”, but the problem is that we all live on the same planet that gets damaged more badly every day, we all suffer from the consequences and catastrophes caused by global warming and we all breathe the same polluted air. I feel that we small-size carbon-footprinters (frowned upon by many as eco-nerds) are entitled to be protected from “passive pollution” done by thoughtless people which is just as lethal (or worse) as globally recognized passive smoking…

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