

Still in the boat yard

We’re still on the hard, waiting for a sparepart that was promised to arrived last wednesday, then friday, now postponed to next monday… Everything else is finished: new antifouling, we cut the dieseltank open and cleaned it (what a mess), made all kinds of small repairs and Pitufa’s basically ready to splash. Let’s hope the part arrives, because we can’t wait to get out of the dirty, noisy boatyard.


Days on the hard are hard days

Sanding, painting, repairing, despairing when yet another complication comes up, running a marathon between chandleries–working in a boat yard’s takes us to our limits (and beyond), but we’re making progress.


New Article in Ocean7 Magazine

The first part of our article about the Gambier Islands has just been published in the May/June issue of the Austrian sailing magazine Ocean7.

Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Iles Gambier — Südseeparadies am Rande der Tropen. Teil 1, OCEAN7 03 (Mai/Juni) 2014, p. 24–27. download PDF (in German only)


On the hard

Last night the cosy anchorage turned out to be an area where anchoring was prohibited, as a port sheriff informed us late at night. He insisted we had to move away, not considering our protests that we weren’t able to move without an engine. It took us half an hour of discussion and setting a stern anchor to move a few metres further away from the channel to satisfy him… This morning we had another few nervewrecking moments being towed by a tug to the far too narrow seeming concrete bay of the travel lift. But we made it unharmed and now Pitufa’s sitting on the hard, awaiting belly scratching (sanding), new make-up (antifouling) and of course shaft bearing repairs.


Pitufa in Tahiti

A small accident forced us to sail to Tahiti earlier than planned. After doing repairs in a boatyard we’ll take the chance to explore the island a bit.



We’ve had a bit too much excitement for our taste during the last 24 hours, but now we’re safely anchored in Papeete, Tahiti. We arrived yesterday at night and had to sail along reefs right into an (to us) unknown anchorage right behind Point Venus at the northwestern corner of Tahiti. Usually we never enter an anchorage at night, but as this one’s very open and easily accessible we decided to sail in. Hearing the breakers on the reef without seeing them in the pitchblack night wasn’t exactly comfy, but we dropped the hook without problems and enjoyed a good night’s sleep after the passage.
Today we had to change the anchorage though, because a shift in the wind was predicted, that would have put us on a leeshore without protection. Right after we had lifted the anchor the wind dropped down to less than 5 knots, leaving us stumbling along with speed around 1 knot… After 3 hours we had finally managed the 2.5 miles and exactly when we entered the channel through the outer reef a squall started. From 5 to 25 knots of wind within a few seconds… Pitufa accelerated, we just made it round the first buoys and dropped the hook. Unfortunatley it turned out that the spot didn’t give enough protection, so we had to sail out the anchor again and drop it a bit further in once again. Adrian (SY Attila), whom we had briefly met in the Gambier, offered assistance and it was very reassuring to have an experienced sailor on board for the tricky manoeuver…
Now we’re happy to be snug in a protected spot and soon we’ll haul Pitufa out for repairs.


what a day…

For a few days we’ve been fretting about a change in the weatherforecast. Instead of the predicted steady easterly trades we saw before setting out, the forecast suddenly showed a strong blow from the NW when we’d be approaching Tahiti. Strong winds on the nose when navigating close to shore in a boat without an engine worried us more than a bit. So we were happy when strong winds let Pitufa fly towards our destination yesterday (despite the meterhigh waves that even managed to spit into our usually dry cockpit), but they didn’t last long and soon we were stumbling along with 3 to 4 knots again. This morning we got out the gennacker (a lightwind sail that we usually don’t touch, because it’s really annoying in handling) and after an hour of work the blue bubble was flying high up and pulling Pitufa with 5 knots. Hurrah! The joy ended with a loud WHOOOOOOOOOSH barely an hour later when a seam ripped in the thin old fabric. Shit. Getting it down was a hassle as always, but in o ur uncommon sense of urgency we got out the sewing machine to mend the problem. The sewing itself just took about 15 minutes, the rest of the 3 hours of repair was changing threads, needles, adjusting tension, etc. on our Pfaff that obviously wasn’t happy with the sticky sailtape we had put on the rip before sewing over it. At the end of this shitty day we were exhausted and hardly dared looking at the new weather report. But what a suprise, the NW blow has been called off! It seems that hard work and efforts sometimes do get rewarded by the universe ;-)


Half the distance done

After a quick start we got into funky weather yesterday. The sailing’s been quite varied, with wind shifts, squalls, rain and lots of work with the sails. We even had the chance to experience a calm period with still standing high waves–real fun being tossed around with flapping sails and without the temptation to just turn on the engine and motor for a few hours, now we know what sailing was like in the good old times ;-) . Now the weather’s sunny and breezy again, so we’re back to our routine of cooking and eating a lot, reading, entertaining Leeloo and hoping that the trip will go on uneventful.


Bombs in Paradise

We’ve been lucky with the weather so far and are making good progress. Also fishing was good: we caught a Yellowfin Tuna yesterday, i.e. tuna for breakfast, lunch, supper and for Leeloo of course. Today we passed Mururoa, the atoll where the French did nuclear tests until the 90s. The low lying atoll became visible when it was just a few miles S of us. It was a creepy feeling to be so near a site humanity abused so cruelly.


On the way to Tahiti

The weather report changed completely yesterday, so instead of having some more quiet days in Onemea we decided to head out today. Our friends who had agreed to tow us out couldn’t come at such short notice, but the crew of an American catamaran who had just anchored next to us the evening before didn’t hesitate helping us and at 10 o’clock this morning they towed us out of the bay. We were quite nervous about the whole thing, but everything went smoothly and now we’re on the way to Tahiti, sailing not very fast but comfortably. Just the right kind of start after 5 months in the protected archipelago!



We’re still in the little bay Onemea, waiting for the packet from Tahiti to arrive. During the strong easterly wind last week it was quite busy here, as 4 other boats huddled in to seek shelter in our protected bay. There was quite some socialising going on with dinner invitations and even a small beach party, just what we needed to take our minds off the engine worries. Now the wind has calmed down and we have our bay all to ourselves again. If we’d had a choice where to get stuck without engine, we’d certainly have chosen this pretty place: the sea’s calm like a lake in here, the forested slopes are mirrored in the water and after rains and in the morning dew the island smells like cough drops ;-) We’ve settled into our remote-bay-routine. The morning starts with doing some laundry and baking bread so that we have warm bread for breakfast. Leeloo’s perfectly happy without wind and neighbours and spends the days rolling around on deck and sunbathing. The calm conditions are also ideal to prepare Pitufa for the passage (scraping algae and barnacles off the hull, checking the rigging, etc.) and to do maintenance jobs (e.g. today the bimini got new zippers and some repairs–a job for our sturdy Pfaff sowing machine).


Change of plans…

During the year we’ve spent here, we saw lots of boats coming in with damages after the passage, had friends waiting here for ages for spare parts, got news from leaving boats who had to limp to Tahiti with broken rudders/masts/etc. We always counted ourselves lucky as Pitufa seemed immune to such mishaps, but now we’ve had bad luck ourselves: on the way to our favourite bay we caught a line in the propeller and did some damage to our shaft bearing. That means we should no longer use the engine to avoid doing more damage and instead of sailing off to the remote and unspoiled islands of the Tuamotus we’ll have to sail directly to Tahiti to haul out and do repairs. Ironically we still have to wait for a packet that will arrive from Tahiti with the supply ship next week, so we have wasted quite some money for the freight, only to transport the packet back to where it came from… Fortunately we know people in Tahiti who are already helping with organising things and helpful crui ser neighbours will assist us getting out of the bay (not quite simple because of the many reefs) without engine. An outhaul was due anyway, it’ll just happen earlier than expected, and the Tuamotus will still be there when we’ve finished the repairs, so the accident means a change of plans, but not the end of the world.


New photo album: Motu Kouaku

Motu Kouaku, Iles Gambier

In early (southern-hemisphere) autumn we spent a few days all on our own at this Motu in the South-East. It got quite bouncy because high swell made it in and a front passed over us, but we faced it out and were rewarded with another glittering, magical day. Even though Kouaku is only a few miles S of Tauna, it looks quite different. Only hardy shrubs, pandanus and a handful of coconut palms grow here. It is more than 1km long and has beaches of fine white sand. Like Tauna it is also uninhabited and a bird-nesting refuge.

(34 photos)


Witch’s cauldron

We are enjoying our remote anchorage at the Motu Kouaku even though a weak front passed over us yesterday. There was not much wind nor rain, but the wind direction clocked around, as predicted, a full turn during 24 hours. As our anchorage provides protection only from the South and East, we’ve got quite some chop from the North and then from the West. It was pretty bouncy and uncomfortable, but never dangerous. We turned our stern anchor into a Bahamian mooring and after the front had passed back into a stern anchor again. There is still high swell coming in and mighty breakers all around us mark the spots of reefs and sand banks. The inconveniences were compensated by an incredibly colourful and long-lasting sunset as the end of the front moved by exactly at the right time.

It seems to us we’ve been totaly spoiled by the normally calm and well-protected anchorages of the Gambier islands. We have to get used to trickier anchoring games again before arriving at the Tuamotus.


Motu Kouaku

This mornig we picked up the really last of our things in the house and left Taravai to explore more of the remainig places we have not been to yet here in the Gambiers. One of those places is the Motu Kouaku on the barrier reef in the south-east of the archipelago. The last few days the wind was blowing hard so the swell is still pretty impressive. Underway it was so bad that we began doubting whether we would find a calm spot to anchor. Large portions of the barrier reef in the south are so deep that the swell enters unhindered and we were tossed around like on an ocean passage. Only close to the motu the waves finally calmed down and we anchored with a nice view of the sandy motu. We brought out a stern anchor to keep the chain away from coral heads and us aligned to low swell that still makes it here.

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