This morning we had coffee at 4.30 and lifted the anchor at 5.20 to make sure that we’d make it to our next destination during daylight. As Fatu Hiva was still towering behind us, we could already see the silhouette of the next island 45 miles ahead of us. Despite the light wind (only between 10 and 14 knots) Pitufa sailed steady 5-6 knots in the calm seas and we reached the southern cape of Tahuata around noon. The only downside of this otherwise perfect sail was that we didn’t catch a fish… Tahuata’s not quite as high as Fatu Hiva, but it also features steep, volcanic slopes and palm covered valleys. We anchored in the Baie Hana Tefau which isn’t quite as scenic as the one we’ve just left behind, but we’re the only yacht here and the village is on the other side of the bay, so it’s nice and quiet here without the busy traffic we got used to in the Baie des Vierges. Leeloo got up on deck as soon as she heard the anchor, checked out the remote bay and grinned broadly–no ne ighbours mean no visitors
Round the island
Yesterday Giorgio took us and Mark and Liesbet from Irie round the island on his boat ‘Hoa Motu’. We picked a beautiful day with sunny skies and got wonderful views of the steep, green volcanic slopes of Fatu Hiva. Unfortunately we had very little wind so we had to motor quite a bit, but we nevertheless caught a small tuna and a large wahoo, so today we’ll all have BBQ on Pitufa.
Explosive experiments
As some of you might remember we left Panama with 120 litres of wine distributed in the bilge, under mattresses and basically wherever we could find some space, because we knew that alcohol would be very dear in French Polynesia (just to give you an idea: a box of ok Chilean wine cost about 2 Euros in Panama, 10 in the Galapagos, but 15 Euros in the Gambier…). Other boats didn’t stock up quite that well, so many of our friends are already running low on booze and have started experimenting with different recipes for homemade lemon cider. Of course we were curious too and so every boat had some bottles filled with a mixture of lemon juice, sugar, yeast and water standing in the sun. According to the recipe we screwed the top tight wondering about pressure building up as we did so, but not worrying too much. Last night we heard a crashing sound and come the morning we found the shards of the bottle on the aft deck covered in happy fruit flies. During breakfast a loud POFF qui ckly followed by another explosion like a gunshot announced yet another bubbly experiment gone ballistic on our neighbours. Poor Giorgio had left the bottles in the cockpit and spent the morning getting sharp splinters out of the lines and scrubbing sticky remains from the seats… Yesterday a new boat arrived with an English skippers and an Australian and a Canadian girl as crew. Ivy (the Canadian) just sniggered at our amateurish attempts and enlightened us on complicated recipes and fermentation techniques and suggested (due to the lack of proper gear) closing up the bottles with condoms, so that the pressure can be released without the fruit flies getting in. Fortunately Liesbet bought a packet of balloons in Panama (meant as presents for local kids), so now the boats will soon be decorated with brightly coloured balloons–we’ll report on further developments. Yesterday we finished servicing another two winches and one today (4 done, 5 to go!)
Having a good time in Fatu Hiva
The reason that we haven’t written any new blog entries during the last few days isn’t that there’s nothing to write about, but rather the opposite–we’ve been too busy to open the laptop once. Also, there’s no internet and the best time to send/receive mails on the SSB is in the evening and we were simply never at home in the evenings… Despite the fact that there’s only 4 boats in the bay (apart from an abandoned Russian boat) there’s always something going on. On the weekend we were invited to Irie (our old friends Mark and Liesbet arrived here 2 weeks before us), the next day we invited them over to Pitufa along with our neighbour Giorgio, an Italian singlehander. Sipping our sundowners we spontaneously decided to give the big ketch parked far out a call as well, Alan, the singlehander from New Zealand was glad to join us and so we had the entire population of the anchorage gathered in Pitufa’s little cockpit (even Leeloo was brave enough to sit with the crowd). Of cours e Giorgio countered with an invitation to his boat ‘Hoa Motu’ the next day and yesterday we all celebrated Alan’s birthday on his 60 feet ketch ‘Quintessa’. During the days we’ve of course started exploring the island. We’re surrounded by spectacular mountains with plenty of hiking tracks and so far we’ve been to a 200ft-waterfall and up a peak that’s towering high over the bay. Snorkeling’s not so great, because there’s no outer reef, but the coast is exposed to the power of the ocean. The water’s also quite dark–maybe it appears just that way because of the dark, volcanic rocks and there’s also lots of sediment in the water because of the frequent downpours Today we’ve stayed at home, baked bread, did laundry and serviced a winch–a complicated and time consuming process (one done, 8 more to go )
What a view!
We reached Fatu Hiva around 3 o’clock this morning, waited outside the bay for the first morning light and entered the bay on the western side. The island’s absolutely spectacular: steep, volcanic mountains and lush tropical vegetation. We now anchor in the only good anchorage on the little island: the Baie des Vierges (Virgin’s Bay). It’s said to originally have been called Baie des Verges (Penis Bay), which the catholic missionaries later on change to the chaste Vierges (virgins)… Looking at the volcanic turrets behind the little village it’s clear what inspired the first name. The view around us is incredible: green, pleated hills with high coconut palms, sheer volcanic cliffs meet the water like in a fjord. The higher mountains behind the bay are covered in a dense cloud–it’s already rained twice since we’ve arrived and several waterfalls drop from the cliffs. Sorry, it’ll take a while until we can post pictures, as there’s no internet connection on the whole island… The anchorage is very deep (we’ve anchored in 24 metres) and more crowded than expected (8 other boats; during high season earlier in the year it’s packed here) and a bit rolly, but after the rough passage it feels calm enough. Our post-passage-ritual includes a bottle of sparkling wine, which knocked us out of our socks after a week without alcohol (especially as we had it at 7 o’clock with breakfast), so we haven’t explored yet, but are looking forward to going hiking, see the waterfalls, etc.
Almost there
We are just 40nm away from Fatu Hiva, so we will arrive early morning but it looks like it’s going to be an annoying night with lots of squalls (had thme all afternoon) and northerly wind… +++++++++++ Wir sind nur noch 40 nm von Fatu Hiva entfernt und werden morgen frueh ankommmen aber es sieht nach einer nervigen Nacht aus mit vielen Boeenschauern (so wars schon den ganzen Nachmittag) und Wind auf die Nase…
Action Canning
We caught another Tuna this morning and as we don’t have a freezer we put it into jars (cutting up the fish, frying it slightly, putting everything into jars and and after 40 mins in the pressure cooker you’ve got your selfmade canned tuna). In 25kn of winds on a wildly slingering boat this is not an easy task. 275nm to go. +++++++++++++ Heute Morgen haben wir noch einen Thunfisch gefangen und da wir keine Gefriertruhe haben kochen wir den Fisch ein (Fisch schneiden, kurz anbraten, in Glaeser fuellen und nach 40 min im Kelomat hat man selbstgemachten Konserven-Thunfisch). Bei 25kn Wind und einem wild schaukelnden Boot keine leichte Aufgabe. Noch 275 Seemeilen.
Finally luck with fishing
Pitufa is rolling almost unbearably in those waves following from 150 degrees, nevertheless we managed to catch a small tuna (or a big mackarel) and bake a banana cake 415 nm to go.++++++++++++ Pitufa rollt zwar unertraeglich in diesen schraeg von hinten durchwalzenden Wellen, dennoch haben wir es geschafft, endlich wieder einmal einen Fisch zu fangen (kleiner Thunfissch oder grosse Makrele) und einen Bananenkuchen zu backen Noch 415 Seemeilen.
Sunny but cool sailing
This morning the wind got a bit lighter, but now it’s picked up again to about 20 to 25 knots and Pitufa’s running along with over 6 knots–sailing as good as it gets (even though we still can’t wait to arrive ) All the Panamanian food and booze in Pitufas lockers don’t exactly help her along, but then cruising’s much more about good life in bays than fast sailing The southerly wind’s still chilly, but we enjoy the sunny skies. 540 miles to go! ++++++++++++ Heute Morgen wurde der Wind ein wenig leichter, aber jetzt blaest es wieder mit 20 bis 25 Knoten und Pitufa segelt mit etwa 6 Knoten dahin – Segeln von seiner besten Seite (wir koennens trotzdem nicht erwarten anzukommen ) Die Riesenmengen panamesischen Proviants in Pitufas Kastln helfen beim Segeln nicht gerade, aber beim Cruisen gehts auch viel eher darum, das Leben in Buchten zu geniessen, als schnell zu segeln Der suedliche Wind ist immer noch kuehl, aber wir geniessen den blauen Himmel. Noch 540 Seemeilen!
Running along smoothly
Last night we had a few squalls moving through, they brought just a slight accelaration in wind (about 20 knots), but lots of rain. Fortunately we finished a new side-cloth for the bimini before sailing off and it keeps rain and spray perfectly out when the wind is on the beam. A dry cockpit’s so much more comfy. Today the wind has shifted more southerly so now we’re sailing downwind (our favourite course) in sunny, but still cool weather. Leeloo’s still seasick, but ok as long as she gets a drop of Stugeron every 8 hours. She just sleeps a lot and is really ravenous whenever she wakes up. The human crew doesn’t get easily seasick, but we’re also taking a few drops, just to be on the safe side. We suffer from the same side effect as Leeloo though and attack the passage-snack box during the nightwatches. +++++++++++++ Letzte Nacht sind ein paar Boeenschauer ueber uns druebergezogen, sie haben aber nur eine leichte Windbeschleunigung (etwa 20 Knoten), dafuer viel Regen gebracht. Gluecklicherweise haben wir neue Seitenteile fuers Bimini gemacht, bevor wir losgesegelt sind und diese halten Regen und Gischt ab, wenn der Wind von der Seite kommt. Ein trockenes Cockpit ist viel gemuetlicher. Heute kommt der Wind aus Sueden und somit sind wir auf einem Vorwindkurs (unser Lieblingskurs) in sonnigem, aber immer noch kuehlem Wetter. Leeloo ist noch immer seekrank, aber ok, solange sie alle 8 Stunden ein Tropferl Stugeron bekommt. Sie schlaeft halt viel und hat einen Mordshunger wenn immer sie aufwacht. Die menschliche Crew wird nicht so leicht seekrank, aber wir nehmen vorsichtshalber auch ein paar Tropfen. Wir leiden unter der gleichen Nebenwirkung wie Leeloo und attackieren die Ueberfahrtssnackbox waehrend der Nachtwachen.
800 nm to Fatu Hiva
At noon we left our anchorage off Taravai and are now sailing north in a light wind and calm seas. The Gambier islands are still only a few miles south of us, but they’ve already disappeared in a black rain cloud, while ahead the skies are blue Unfortunately no fish was tempted by our lure yet, so today’s supper was green bean and manioc soup (just right in the cold temperatures). The thermos is filled up with boiling water, because the nightwatch will be glad to have hot tea or cacao… ++++++++++++++++++ Heute Mittag haben wir die Ankerbucht vor Taravai verlassen und segeln jetzt bei leichtem Wind und ruhiger See nordwaerts. Die Gambier Inseln liegen immer noch nur wenige Meilen suedlich von uns, aber sie sind schon in einer schwarzen Regenwolken verschwunden, voraus ist der Himmel aber blau Leider hat unser Koeder noch keinen Fisch angelockt, somit war das heutige Abendessen eine Manioc-Fisolen Suppe (grad das richtige bei den kalten Temperaturen). Die Thermoskanne ist mit kochendem Wasser gefuellt, denn die Nachtwachen werden froh um heissen Tee oder Kakao sein…
Good bye Gambier
Yesterday we returned to Taravai and had lunch with the Polynesian church-caretaker family and some French cruisers this afternoon. The weather prediction for the coming week looks as good as it gets, so we’ll leave for the Marquesas tomorrow morning. We’re a bit sad to leave the little paradise we’ve found here, but maybe we’ll return in November to spend the cyclone season here. +++++++++++++++ Gestern sind wir wieder zurueck nach Taravai gefahren und waren heute gemeinsam mit einer franzoesischen Familie bei der Hausmeisterfamilie zum Mittagessen eingeladen. Der Wetterbericht fuer die kommende Woche sieht gut aus, somit werden wir morgen Richtung Marquesas losfahren. Wir sind ein bissl traurig, dass wir das kleine Paradies her verlassen, aber vielleicht kommen wir ja im November zurueck, um die Cyclone Saison hier zu verbringen.
Carpe diem
Instead of grinding down our nerves sitting on the boat in Rikitea while waiting for the right weather to leave we have now decided to seize our remaining days in the Gambier. We have sailed over to Taravai, visited the village caretakers again, got some veggies and fruit, did some laundry and enjoyed a sunny afternoon on Pitufa. +++++++++++++++++++ Anstatt sinnlos herumzusitzen und unsere Nerven beim Warten auf das richtige Wetter zum Wegsegeln aufzureiben, haben wir jetzt beschlossen, das beste aus unseren verbleibenden Tagen auf den Gambier zu machen. Wir sind nach Taravai gesegelt, haben die Dorf-Instandhalterfamilie wieder besucht, Gemuese und Fruechte bekommen, Waesche gewaschen und einen sonnigen Nachmittag auf Pitufa genossen.
Weather window
Our word of the month is definitely ‘weather window’. The weather changes so quickly here that it’s even hard to find a sunny spell that’s long enough to quickly go ashore, or just have a shower… we’re constantly waiting for ‘weather windows’ to get things done, get ‘grib files’ (wind prediction charts) every 6 hours. Slowly we’re wondering if we can’t find a weatherwindow to buy Baguettes, how should we ever make it to the Tuamotus or the Marquesas?? One winter storm after the other wanders by south of the Gambier bringing very strong southerly winds, then the wind clocks around to the north, another low arrives with southerly winds–the wind seems never constant enough to allow us to go north.
Our friends on Irie were just as undecided as we are, but they have finally left yesterday for the Marquesas. We were also tempted, but the wind just looks too light for Pitufa (our smurfette’s got 14 tons, little Irie about 4…). This morning we wanted to hop over to Taravai (just 6 milrd), but then spontaneously got the boat ready for the passage (the grib promised some more wind). At 9 we were ready to go (dinghy on deck, Leeloo high on seasickness medicine, etc.), got a final grib: less wind predicted. We didn’t want to take the risk to lie becalmed on the way up, but by then the tide was too low to go over to Taravai as well (shallow entrance).
After 5 times back and forth ‘let’s go to Taravai, no Marquesas, no Taravai,…’ we’re again sitting in Rikitea and the mood is VERY low on Pitufa. Tomorrow the game will start again–hopefully with more outcome.
For days we’ve had the wind howling over the boat with around 30 knots, frequent squalls and freaky changes of weather. Black clouds rush in, rain whips horizontally along, 5 minutes later blue skies follow and so on… Trips ashore become adventurous, just going to get a baguette in the morning requires putting on full foul weather gear and we’re both sneezing and sniffling all the time. We can’t wait to get away, but the last front was too violent for us to venture out (6m high waves) and if we arrived in our next destinations in such conditions we wouldn’t be able to enter the lagoon anyway. We’d like stop in the Tuamotus on the way to the Marquesas. The Tuamotus are a chain of tiny atolls that stretch out from here to Tahiti, but most motus are just a ring of coral with some palmtrees on and only one or two channels into the lagoon. Getting the timing right to enter the lagoon is tricky even in calm conditions, but when the wind has been blowing hard for a few days the high waves fill up the lagoon and the current in the channel can get too strong for a sailing boat to enter.
The weather forecast predicts the end of the stormy weather for tomorrow, but unfortunately then the wind will drop below 10 knots for several days–not enough to carry Pitufa away under sails. We’ll have to wait for the next southerly winds from the south and hope that it won’t be a strong as the last one.