


The area here is famous or rather infamous for its frequent thunderstorms. In Cartagena we saw the lightning far away in the south each night–now we’re in the middle it. Last evening the flashes in the south looked like the finale of a new years eve fireworks… at three o’clock in the morning the squall reached us with gusts over 30 knots of wind, we were bouncing in the waves that quickly built up, uncomfortable with a leeshore behind us, but our anchor held safely.



Die Gegend hier ist beruehmt, oder eher beruechtigt fuer die vielen Gewitter. In Cartagena schauten wir fast jeden Abend dem Wetterleuchten weit im Sueden zu – jetzt sind wir dort. Gestern Abend sahen die Blitze im Sueden wie das Finale eines Silvesterfeuerwerks aus… um drei Uhr frueh erreichte uns das Unwetter dann mit Boen ueber 30 Knoten. Wir schaukelten ordentlich in den Wellen, die sich schnell aufbauten und fuehlten uns in dem auflandigen Wind nicht sehr wohl, aber unser Anker hielt sicher.


Islas de San Bernardo

We left the reef channel of Isla Grande this morning at 7 o’clock veeery carefully and then motored southwards through the Rosarios archipelago–unfortunately again there wasn’t enough wind for sailing. It became clear how the archipelago was named: the little islands really lie next to each other like pearls on a rosary. Each island has at least one house, sometimes the motto seems to be “the tinier the islet, the bigger the villa.”

As soon as we left the shallow waters of the archipelago behind us we let out the trolling lure. It had hardly touched the water, when a fish bit–dinner secured.

Shortly after noon we approached Isla Tintipan, one of the Islas de San Bernardo. A low island, covered in dense vegetation, a few villas with thatched roofs and private jetties, turquoise waters–an anchorage right to our taste :-)


Wir haben heute morgen um sieben Uhr Isla Grande gaaanz vorsichtig durch die Riffeinfahrt verlassen und sind durch die Rosarios suedwaerts getuckert – zum Segeln war leider wiederum nicht genug Wind. Dabei wurde uns auch klar, wie dieses Archipel zu seinem Namen gekommen ist: die kleinen Inseln liegen wirklich wie Perlen auf einem Rosenkranz neben einander. Auf jedem Inserl steht zumindest ein Haus, manchmal meint man auch das Motto lautet “je kleiner das Inserl, desto groesser die Villa”.

Sobald wir die Untiefen des Archipels verlassen hatten, warfen wir die Schleppangel aus. Sie hatte noch kaum das Wasser beruehrt, hing schon ein Fisch dran – Abendessen gesichert.

Kurz nach Mittag tasteten wir uns dann an die Isla Tintipan, einer der Islas de San Bernardo, heran. Eine ganz niedere Insel, dicht bewachsen, einige wenige strohgedeckte Villen mit Anlegesteg, davor leuchtet das Wasser tuerkis – ein Ankerplatz ganz nach unserem Geschmack :-)


Post-urban cleaning frenzy

After two weeks in Cartagena’s harbour Pitufa’s hull was overgrown with barnacles and algae under the waterline, the propeller was hardly recogniseable in its never-seen-before layer of barnacles (no wonder we didn’t get over 4.5 knots on the way here), the waterline was covered with a mixture of slime, algae, oil and whatever filth can be found in the harbour. We cleaned for several hours yesterday and today, and now she looks quite ok again. Tomorrow we’d like to head on to the San Bernardo archipelago and hope for some wind. We don’t want to spend the weekend in the Rosarios, as it’ll be even busier here than now. Amazingly we can still see Cartagena’s skyline from here and tourists boats rush back and forth all day long.


Posturbaner Putzrausch

Nach zwei Wochen im Hafen von Cartagena war Pitufas Rumpf unter der Wasserlinie mit Muscheln und Algen bedeckt, der Propeller unter einer nie-zuvor-gesehenen Schicht von Muscheln kaum wiederzuerkennen (kein Wunder, dass wir auf dem Weg hierher kaum ueber 4.5 Knoten gekommen sind), die Wasserlinie mit Schleim, Algen, Oel und jedwedem Dreck aus dem Hafen verschmiert. Wir haben gestern und heute einige Stunden lang geputzt und jetzt sieht sie wieder recht ok aus. Morgen wollen wir weiter zum San Bernardo Archipel und hoffen auf Wind. Wir wollen hier in den Rosarios nicht das Wochenende verbringen, weil dann noch mehr los sein wird als jetzt. Erstaunlicherweise sehen wir von hier aus immer noch Cartagenas Wolkenkratzer und Touristenboote duesen den ganzen Tag hin und zurueck.


Los Rosarios, Isla Grande

We’ve left the realm of the reliable trade winds we enjoyed so much since leaving the everchanging winds of the Med. The trades don’t reach southern Columbia, without wind it’s incredibly hot and as a prelude to the sailing in this area we had to motor against a very light southwesterly wind to reach the archipelago of the Rosarios, about 17 nm southwest of Cartagena.

We don’t have detailed charts of this area, but had to rely on the description of the channel through the reefs to an anchorage (Free guide of Columbia). “You’ll see a cement post” Right, there it is! “Leave it on your starboard side” Perfect, still 30 m deep here, “you’ll see another two posts, pass between them” Ok, going through, still 4 metres under the keel, 2 metres… “swing left” Ok, 1 metre, 0.5, not good! What now, left, straight?? 0.1, 0.0 CRUNCH.

We were going less than a knot at that point, reversed, got back into the channel and nothing happened. But the description definitely should have said: “Go through between the posts, THEN ANOTHER 30 METRES STRAIGHT, and then swing left… Anyway, inside the reef the canal is between 4 and 5 metres deep, we anchored there and spent a quiet night. Today 2 men in a small boat tried to persuade us to spend our last pesos on a necklace, but we bought two freshly caught fish from another boat instead for less money.

The bay is quite pretty, but there’s weekend villas all around it and small boats filled with tourists rush by. We’ll clean Pitufas hull and move on as soon as the wind looks strong enough to carry our heavy Smurfette to the next island.


Wir haben das Reich des verlaesslichen Passatwinds verlassen, den wir so genossen haben, seitdem wir die staendig drehenden Winde des Mittelmeers hinter uns gelassen haben. Der Passat reicht nicht bis in den Sueden Kolumbien hinunter, ohne Wind ist es unglaublich heiss und als Auftakt zum Segeln in diesem Gebiet mussten wir die 17 Meilen bis zum Rosario Archipel suedwestlich von Cartagena gegen einen leichten Suedwestwind hinunter motoren.

Wir haben keine detaillierten Karten von dieser Gegend und mussten uns auf die Beschreibung des Kanals durch die Riffe zum Ankerplatz verlassen (Free Guide of Columbia). “Sie sehen einen Zementpfosten” Ja, da ist er! “Lassen Sie ihn auf Ihrer Steuerbordseite) Perfekt, immer noch 30 m tief, “Sie sehen zwei weitere Pfosten, fahren Sie zwischen diesen durch” Ok, sind durch, noch 4 Meter unterm Kiel, noch 2 Meter… “Biegen Sie nach links” Ok, 1 Meter, 0.5, nicht gut! Was jetzt, links, geradeaus?? 0.1, 0.0 RUMMS.

Wir waren mit weniger als 1 Knoten Fahrt unterwegs, kurz rueckwaerts und wir waren wieder im Kanal, nix passiert. Aber die Beschreibung sollte definitiv laufen: “Fahren Sie zwischen den 2 Pfosten durch, DANN WEITERE 30 METER GERADEAUS und dann links… Naja. Innerhalb des Riffs ist der Kanal zwischen 4 und 5 Metern tief, wir haben dort geankert und eine ruhige Nacht verbracht. Heute wollten uns schon zwei Maenner in einem kleinen Boot ueberreden, unsere letzten Pesos fuer eine Kette auszugeben, wir haben lieber bei einem anderen Boot 2 Fische fuer weniger Geld erstanden.

Die Bucht ist ganz huebsch, aber rundherum stehen Wochenendvillen und kleine Boote voller Touristen duesen vorbei. Wir werden Pitufas Rumpf putzen und sobald ein Wind aufkommt, der stark genug wirkt um unsere schwere Schlumpfine zu tragen, geht’s weiter zur naechsten Insel.


Sailing down the Colombian coast

Setting off from Cartagena we’ll next cruise the Colombian coast and islands to the south. We enjoyed the bustling city life, but are now looking forward to anchoring in quiet bays again :-)


Photo Gallery of Cartagena

Here are some impressions of Cartagena — on time for a change ;-)

Cartagena de Indias

End of July 2012 we reached the beautiful city of Cartagena with its interesting contrast between the historic town centre and the surrounding skyscraper districts. Anchoring in the middle of a city was a new experience for us.

(40 photos)


Long overdue photos of Grenada

We realized we’ve never uploaded pics of Grenada and as we try do finish all internet-related projects before leaving civilization next week we make good for that now. Here is the Grenada album:


Our time in Grenada was quite eventful. Birgit's family visited us, the first ship chandlers in ages tempted us to spend a small fortune on presents for Pitufa, we explored the island using Grenada's superb mini buses, and then Pitufa was on the hard for three weeks. April and May 2012.

(30 photos)


South America meets Europe in Cartagena

We’ve now spent a week in Cartagena and we absolutely love it. The anchorage is protected and even though the water is slightly smelly fish are jumping around the boat with dozens of pelicans plunging noisily down to catch them–so it can’t be too bad. The only nuisance are the taxi boats and private motor boats that heedlessly go through the anchorage at full speed.

The historic town centre is within walking distance of the anchorage and we spent the first few days here sightseeing, feeling like tourists on holidays :-) The houses and atmosphere in the centre are surprisingly European–makes you feel like being in Southern Spain. We also feel very safe, there are ridiculously young policemen on mopeds everywhere (most of them wearing dental braces) and coast guard boats patrolling the harbour. The only place where they tried to rip us off twice is the posh supermarket near the marina (charging us 50 euros for a baguette…) ;-) There’s restaurants and bars everywhere with astounding differences in prices. You can have a fish fillet for 3 or 30 euros…

Cartagena has been a Unesco World Heritage site since 1984, there are forts and museums all over the town, but unfortunately we’ve also discovered some architectural sins from the 70s and 80s as well as half collapsed ruins within the walled city centre, which is astounding, as Cartagena’s economy obviously relies on tourism. We visited the Naval Museum which gives an overview of the historic development of the city and its dozens of fortifications that have been added since its foundation in 1533.

The last 3 days were quite rainy, so we stayed at home, finished a rain-catching/shadow canvas for the foredeck and since the sewing machine was already out I also turned some unpractical shirts with long sleeves into comfy short sleeve shirts. Back in Austria it would have never ocurred to me buying a sewing machine, but living on the boat we use our indestructible Pfaff quite often ;-)


Article on Suriname in All-At-Sea Magazine

The All At Sea Caribbean magazine has published our article about Suriname in the current (August 2012) issue. Those of you who happen to be around in the Caribbean can grab the magazine for free at chandleries, marinas, etc. It can also be downloaded for free from the All At Sea webpage (or just click here).

Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Suriname — a path less traveled, All At Sea Caribbean, August 2012, p. 63–65. Free download from allatsea.net.


Pics from Los Monjes

Here is a mini gallery of the Monjes:

Los Monjes

On the way to Colombia in July 2012 we stopped at the Venezuelan coast guard station on the tiny island Los Monjes del Sur.

(10 photos)


Photos of Curacao

Better late than never, we’ve just uploaded some pics of Curacao.


We spent most of June and July 2012 in the protected (but nevertheless windy and splasy) anchorage of Spanish Waters on Curacao. Most of the time we were busy working on Pitufa's engine, but we spare you these pictures and show you the beautiful sides of this island.

(20 photos)


Pitufa en Colombia!

After visiting some islands in the southern Caribbean between February and July (Tobago, Grenada, Bonaire and Curacao, we’ve now left the “beaten tracks” again and have reached Latin America. Colombia used to have a bad reputation, but now traveling is supposed to be safe. Cruising Colombia means lots of bureaucracy (instead of checking in yourself you need an “agent” to deal with authorities), but the fascinating metropolis Cartagena is really worth visiting. Old meets new: the impressive, walled city center with its Spanish houses is surrounded by skyscrapers.
During the next weeks we’ll sail down the Colombian coast, before heading on to Panama and the San Blas archipelago.


Cartagena, Colombia

This morning we reached Cartagena–Pitufa’s first anchorage between skyscrapers!


On the way to Cartagena

We passed near the Five Bays north of St. Marta this morning, but decided against stopping because of a favorable weather forecast for today. There is less wind now, so we’ve slowed down a bit. A group of dolphins is taking a joyride on Pitufa’s bow wave, sitting under deck writing this blog entry we can hear them whistling :-) We havn’t seen dolphins for ages.


Cabo de Vela

Yesterday we started out at dawn from the tiny island “Monjes del Sur” and managed the 85 sea miles around the northern cape of Colombia in only 12 hours. Either the cape is better than its reputation or our timing was perfect–we had a wonderful sailing day with 20 to 25 knots of wind and moderate waves (depending on the ground between dark blue and light pastel turquoise). We stayed close to the Colombian coast and were surprised how dry the landscape is. Dark grey mountains behind light brown cliffs, no trace of plants.

As we were approaching Cabo de Vela and the anchoring site right behind it in the evening, there was a sudden jerk on the trolling lure (our third try). What we thought was a “little fish” turned out to be a 40 cm yellow fin tuna–we couldn’t have picked a more perfect catch on the fish market… Leeloo had been sleeping under deck but a 6th sense told her that something interesting was going on and she turned up in the cockpit as soon as we had the fish on deck. Loudly meowing she claimed and got the first piece right then and a huge portion later on ;-)

After rounding Cabo de Vela we dropped the anchor in the wide bay and I started cutting out fillets and we had sushi as a starter :-) . Interesting was the sudden change in air temperature when rounding this cape. While the wind was chilly all the way from the Monjes, it suddenly felt like coming from an oven. After this strenuous day we fell into the berth and slept for 12 hours.

During breakfast Pitufa suddenly started pitching violently in the waves–the wind had shifted from East to Southeast, freshened to 30 knots and over the several miles wide bay immediately a high fetch built up. 10 minutes later the situation was already so threatening that we decided to move to another spot further in. I jumped to the wheel, Christian ran to the anchor, started the windlass–nothing. The winch made no move, but there was no time to find the reason for the failure. Christian winched up the anchor manually–not funny in these conditions and also dangerous for the fingers… Now we anchor one and a half miles closer to shore and Christian has just found the problem of our windlass and fixed it. We are watching the kite surfers close to the beach who clearly enjoy the strong blow more than we do and are waiting for the next weather window to sail down to Cartagena.

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