


We’ve just seen how many comments we got during our time on the Atlantic. Thanks to all of you who read, suffered and celebrated along with us!



After 14 days and 1900 nautical miles we’ve dropped anchor in the Suriname river next to Domburg, had some champagne, and are looking forward to finally get some sleep :-)


Only 250 nm to go!

Soon we’ll have made it: only 250 of the 1900 nautic miles remain! After sailing a bit more slowly for 2 days (the northequatorial current had viciously abandoned us…) we now get a 2-knots turboboost from the northwest setting Guyana current. Thus we have an average speed of 7 knots (12,6 km/h) today – still more slowly than a bicycle, but sensational for our Pitufa ;-) . Today we’ve seen the first other ship in ten days, otherwise only dolphins (twice) and seabirds (astoundingly often) accompanied us.


Two thirds covered

Pitufa’s flying along like never before (our fastest daily run this week was 160 NM) and so we’ve already covered two thirds of the way to Suriname! Yesterday a squall with torrential rain cleaned away the thick layers of Sahara sand we had gathered during our 3 months in the Cape Verdes. Today we’ve had clear skies all day long for the first time and the following waves, though higher now because we’ve left the north-equatorial current, look decidedly friendlier in blue. Leeloo spends hours in the cockpit watching those waves and whenever one roars particularly loud, Leeloo growls back.


Half the distance done

Hurray! We have sailed already more than half the distance to Suriname. Last night our GPS displayed the magic number of 950nm left to go. Let’s hope we manage the second half just as fast. The winds are fine, the seas are low, and the north-equatorial current boosts us steadily. Though, we get a lot of rain now (which washes away the brown sand from the Cape Verdes eventually).


Here comes the sun…

Today the weather has improved. Though, it started with thick clouds, drizzle and rain, the sun came out finally. So we’ve got blue sky with isolated clouds typical for the trade winds. This also means that the moon provides us with light at night. Standing at the helm is definitely more fun then. We are fine (given the circumstances) and make quick progress.


Wayne Vaney seriously injured (broken windsteering)

The new year did not start particularly great. Our usually so reliable wind vane Wayne Vaney no longer works, the rudder shaft is broken–we can’t repair it on board. The electric auto pilot is unreliable when running permamently and it also drains the batteries (the solar panels don’t work well in this grey weather), so we have to manually steer almost 24 hours a day (we only use the auto pilot for meals together and to get short breaks). We’re coping better with the situation than we feared at first and are heading towards our destination in good daily runs. A few rays of sunshine would be good for the batteries as well as for the morale of the crew.


A twice as happy new year to all of you!

The passage has started okay, even though it’s a bit cool and rainy. Pitufa’s wings (2 headsails boomed out on the left and right) pull us steadily over the grey wave mountains. To make up for the weather we can celebrate the coming of the new year twice: we simply turn back the clock one hour (an adjustment to the time zones was due anyway). A happy new year to all of you who travel along with us on this page!!


Crossing the Atlantic

The weather forecast looks good, the trade wind is stable, all lockers are de-rattled, everything on the boat checked twice and we’re mentally prepared for our first really big jump: Atlantic we’re coming!


Photo Gallery of Brava

We’re still anchored in the same bay, all kinds of algae and barnacles are even starting to grow on the line ashore ;-) , but somehow we cannot find a reason to leave a place where turtles paddle around the boat, seabirds fish 5 metres away, the local fishermen offer the daily catch, more hiking trails wait to be discovered, etc.
Here you can see yourself, why we like it so much!

Cabo Verde: Ilha Brava

Brava's a tiny island, but there is so much to explore and we felt so at home in Faja d'Agua at the westcoast of the island that we spent the whole December anchored in the same bay.

(39 photos)


Cape Verdes: Another photo gallery uploaded

We have uploaded yet another photo gallery of the Cape Verdes. This one shows the islands of Santa Luzia, Sao Vicente and Santo Antao. Photos of Brava will come soon.

Cabo Verde: Sao Vicente and Santo Antao

We sailed from Tarrafal, Sao Nicolao to Mindelo, Sao Vicente via Santa Luzia. We visited Santo Antao by ferry. November 2011.

(25 photos)


Brava, a hiker’s delight

Brava is a tiny island on a map. When hiking up the mountains, it suddenly seems higher than wide ;-) Yesterday we walked up the valley from Faja d’Agua to the mountainous interior. There are no dedicated hiking trails, rather partially cobbled foot/donkey paths connecting villages. So it’s quite usual when walking in the middle of nowhere to meet children on their way to school, housewives carrying shopping baskets on their heads, or banana-loaded donkeys. The track led steeply up the mountains, sometimes right through farm houses, providing spectacular views of the ragged coast. After about 4 hours we reached the capital of Brava, picturesque Vila Nova Sintra with its solely Portuguese-colonial style houses and lush gardens. Even the capital is a big village where all people know each other and the news of foreign visitors is spread within minutes. The locals are very friendly, talkative and not pushy at all. We joined the crowd next to the market waiting for an aluguer to take us back along the winding coastal road.


Lazy Sunday

We had a lazy day at home, enjoyed the clear water (particularly after being in Mindelo’s Porto Grande…) for snorkeling and the hot temperature. Last week we already complained about the chilly evenings (chilly meaning that we had to wear jackets in the evening ;-)


Faja de Agua, Ilha Brava

We’ve arrived on the most remote island of the Cape Verdes yesterday after yet another rough passage. It took us one and a half days with 25 knots of winds on the beam (instead of the comfy 15-20 knots from astern as we had expected…). Little Brava is located in the very west of the southern chain of islands and it is the least visited one. Currently we are the only yacht anchored in the spectacular bay surrounded by steep cliffs. In the northeast corner it’s possible to land the dinghy next to the fishing boats of the tiny village. When we went ashore to fix a landline some fishermen were cutting a huge tuna into pieces, we spontaneously bought a kilo and had really fresh sushi on board – Leeloo had hers without rice :-)


Article on Ustica in Ocean7 magazine

Birgit Hackl, Christian Feldbauer: Ustica — Smaragd im Tyrrhenischen Meer, OCEAN7 06 2011. Read article (in German only)

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