1/58: Our first stop was in the lagoon of Toau...
2/58: ...where we installed another solar panel a few other gadgets brought from Tahiti...
3/58: ...and enjoyed some great snorkeling.
5/58: The noddies in Fakarava are used to sailboats.
6/58: We went out through the pass at sunrise...
7/58: ...and on to another shark paradise: Tahanea (note a silvertip among the little blacktips around the boat).
13/58: Our new dome for the gopro shows both sides of the Tuamotus.
15/58: Playful Black Jack.
18/58: At least in the shallow water the coral's still pristine
21/58: Even here some bleaching is visible
22/58: This parrot fish is smiling for the camera ;-)
25/58: Tiny lagoon islands are retreats for booby colonies.
27/58: Close encounter with a lemon shark.
28/58: Fabulous coral structures in the shallows.
36/58: Sailing on to Makemo a pod of dolphins accompanied us.
37/58: Christmas and New Year brought a long phase of rainy, windy weather. The supply ship came anyway...
38/58: Our next stop was the atoll of Raroia.
39/58: A pretty village with friendly people...
40/58: ...and a tiny, but well-stocked minimarket.
42/58: We sailed across the bommie-strewn lagoon....
43/58: ...to the seldom visited nature paradise on the eastern side.
49/58: Raroia still has a few motus with primary forest!
50/58: Lots of nurse sharks
51/58: Beautiful coral (sadly only in the shallow water)
53/58: Curious marble grouper