For the first time on our journey we’ve made miles towards the east. Up till now we mainly sailed with the prevailing trades westwards. There’s a saying “a gentleman never sails to windward”, but going back towards the Tuamotus and later on the Gambier should be worth some bashing close-hauled on the wind. We’ll just have to be patient and wait for rare southerly and northerly winds.
First we still have a few errants here in Tahiti: we’ll change some of the rigging, get a new anchor chain (the old one’s terribly rusty), install new engine mounts (they took ages to arrive from the UK), go to the dentist yet again (my old fillings use the opportunity of having dental care in Tahiti to break now, really considerate of them) and last but not least we want to spend some fun time with our friends Liesbet and Mark (SY Irie), who’ve just returned from a battle against cancer in the US and definitely deserve some holidays!
Norbert and Rosi says:
September 2, 2014 at 4:48 pm (UTC 0)
We found your website just recently (we googling for “cats sea sickness”). What a great blog, and what a great trip. We are working through your blog from the very beginning and its like reading a book, very exciting.
As you see on our website, we feel more comfortable in the air than on the water. But we are working on our sailing skills; and now that we think about retiring, a trip like yours might be possible.
We will continue watching you on your further adventures and wish you all the luck in the world for your trip (and presently for your teeth
Weiterhin tolle Abenteuer!
Christian says:
September 3, 2014 at 1:41 am (UTC 0)
wow, after all that flying sailing must seem like moving in slow motion
do you also have a cat?
good luck with your plans and
cu sometime somewhere around,
the smurfs
Norbert and Rosi says:
September 3, 2014 at 8:47 pm (UTC 0)
Yes, sailing is another universe compared to flying. What both hobbies have in common is that you are totally distracted from day-to-day life. And both have their pros and cons.
We don’t have a cat at the moment. But we once had a beloved tomcat who grew to high age of 22 years. It was a family tragedy when he died. But we still love cats and admire you guys to let Leeloo share your circumnavigation experience. And apparently she is taking it very well. We were just curious when we googled for “cats and seasicknes”.
In the next week we will be sailing our first night leg. We will be in Greece (Ionian). So keep your fingers crossed for us, please. Good luck to you friendly folks as well. Who knows where in the world we might run into each other.