



My Mom

My Mom was always our biggest fan. I mainly wrote this blog for her, knowing that she’d turn on the laptop each morning, hoping for news or pics to have with her coffee. She was excited with us about wonderful experiences, disappointed and sometimes sad when we discovered harm done to nature. She fiercely defended our alternative lifestyle against whoever challenged her.
She visited us five times on the boat and we could share some of our favourite places on this beautiful planet with her.

My Mom died two days ago. I should have visited her more often, I could have phoned more often. I should and could have done so much and I would have–if only I had known that she’d leave us so soon.


  1. Diana says:

    I’m so deeply sorry to read that…. my sincere condolences.

  2. Stefan says:

    Liebe Birgit, habs grad erst gelesen. Tut mir leid – und alles Gute. Herzlichen Gruß an euch beide Stefan

    1. Birgit says:

      Hallo Stefan, danke für dein Beileid…

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